1/. I wish to use the ADG752 in a circuit powered from -2.5 and
7.5 supply rails. Can I use series diodes to drop the volts and
will this protect the input from latch up etc.
2/. What is the nV/root Hz noise figure should I expect.
3/. What is the settling time.
4/. Is the device suitable to multiplex the AD9240 14bit
A/D with an AD8138 at x2 gain as a buffer between them.
5/.Will the device become available in industrial temperature range in
SOT-23,SOT 223 or SOT 143 and if so when.
1) Max rating for this part is 6V, so can't use it directly with -2.5 and +7V,
the breakdown voltage of the device would be exceeded. If you use series diodes
as you suggested to drop the voltage down, then there shouldn't be a problem as
long as you remain within the max ratings. If you intend to use the -2.5V as
the ground (i.e. not use diodes to bring this up to 0V), then you'll have to do
a lot of work with the control signal, as the trigger levels will drop.
2) we haven't measured any noise parameters for this device.
3) Again, we haven't measured settling time, it'll be dependant on the loading
etc of his system.
4) Shouldn't be a problem.
5) Available in industrial temp range in SOT23.