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How to evaluate and measure the specs and dataes with the EVB of RF SPDT switches ?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADRF5023, ADRF5021, ADRF5027, HMC1118

Hi all,

Following the EVB of the RF SPDT switches, dc blocking capacitor is no insert.

ADRF5023, ADRF5021, ADRF5027, HMC1118

Q1. How to evaluate and measure the specs and dataes with EVB ?

How to set the measurement enviromet @ ADI ?

Q2. To evaluate and measure the specs and dataes with EVB @9 kHz ~ 13 GHz, what is the recommend value of dc blocking capacitors ?

Best regards,


  • Hi.

    Q1. For EVB measurement, please refer to ADRF5023 user guide: UG-2085 (Rev.0) ( The rest switches would be very similar.

    Q2. No dc blocking caps are required for these switches because the RF channel voltage is 0VDC.



  • Hi Zheng - san,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Let me check one more thing.
    The ADRF5023 datasheet has the following description.
    No DC blocking capacitor is required when the
    RF line potential is equal to 0V DC.
    What is the DC absolute maximum rating for the RF input/output pins?
    A DC block capacitor is considered necessary as a device protection measure for 0 V DC.

    For example, the data sheet of HMC849A, which is a conventional product, has the following description.
    Blocking capacitors are required.

    The internal input circuits may be different, but could you clearly explain the difference in thinking between the external input/output interface circuits of the ADRF5023 and the HMC848A?

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    For ADRF5023, it has positive supply VDD and negative supply VSS, therefore, the RF line potential is 0VDC, and no DC blocking cap is required at all RF ports;

    For HMC849a, it only has positive supply VDD, therefore, the RF line potential is NOT 0VDC, and DC blocking cap is required at all RF ports;

    You can refer the datasheet of the part and it is clearly defined in the datasheet about whether DC blocking cap is needed or not.