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ADG918 RF switch

Product Number: ADG918

I bought a ADG918 EVAL board. Here is the configuration: A modulated signal source 72Mhz sent into the RFC pin; 2.75V Vdd voltage; 1Mhz 0~1.5v square wave was in control pin.


Input on RFC pin: modulated 72Mhz

When power it on, the yellow is the output.

Q1: why there is a DC slop when it's off. I placed a capacitor before the input to isolate the DC voltage. 

Q2: Can the input sinwave becomes a +/- sin wave let's say -1.5v to 1.5v peak to peak?

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    •  Analog Employees 
    in reply to Simon88 +1 verified

    Hi  ADG918 is an absorptive switch. So, any unused port is automatically terminated to 50-ohm. If you are measuring at point 2, you shouldn't be seeing any DC offset. Is there anything else connected…

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