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With help on the Linux driver forum, I was able to get a device tree configuration working that helps get data from my ADIS16485 mounted on the EVAL-RPIZ board, on the Raspberry Pi 4B. Good so far.
Was able to use the pyadi-iio module to actually get the six channels of IMU data from the subject IMU. Was using the adis16495 support from the module, and data comes through. Good.
Wanted to get the temp0 and timestamp channels, but the '495 module didn't have those, explicitly rejecting the requests for more channels beyond the IIO channel indices 0-5 and/or the named channels 'temp0' and 'timestamp'. Running the 'iio_info' command shows the two extra channels to be available from the Linux IIO subsystem. So, copied module -> and added the channels (simple change from the '495 file), placing it in the support folder. Good, now the channels are allowed. However, the data coming from those two channels doesn't match the data that the IIO Scope shows (well, at least the temperature channel), not looking anything as expected for those channels.
I note that the indices provided by iio_info are 0-5 (imu), 7 (timestamp), and 10 (temp0). Do I need to be feeding more to the adis Python module so that it knows which indices it should be seeking? Seems like it should be able to (or does) get all it needs from the Linux IIO layer to figure this out already.
Other thoughts or recommendations?
For ref, here's the output from 'iio_info':
analog@analog:~/Logger $ iio_info Library version: 0.24 (git tag: accb7b5) Compiled with backends: local xml ip usb serial IIO context created with local backend. Backend version: 0.24 (git tag: accb7b5) Backend description string: Linux analog 5.10.63-v7l+ #1 SMP Wed Dec 21 12:09:15 UTC 2022 armv7l IIO context has 4 attributes: hw_carrier: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 dtoverlay: vc4-kms-v3d,adis16485 local,kernel: 5.10.63-v7l+ uri: local: IIO context has 6 devices: hwmon0: cpu_thermal 1 channels found: temp1: (input) 1 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: input value: 56965 No trigger on this device hwmon1: rpi_volt 1 channels found: in0: (input) 1 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: lcrit_alarm value: 0 No trigger on this device hwmon2: hidpp_battery_0 0 channels found: No trigger on this device iio:device0: adis16485 (buffer capable) 8 channels found: anglvel_x: (input, index: 0, format: be:S32/32>>0) 5 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: calibbias value: 0 attr 1: calibscale value: 0 attr 2: filter_low_pass_3db_frequency value: 0 attr 3: raw value: -1111592 attr 4: scale value: 0.000000005 anglvel_y: (input, index: 1, format: be:S32/32>>0) 5 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: calibbias value: 0 attr 1: calibscale value: 0 attr 2: filter_low_pass_3db_frequency value: 0 attr 3: raw value: -345410 attr 4: scale value: 0.000000005 anglvel_z: (input, index: 2, format: be:S32/32>>0) 5 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: calibbias value: 0 attr 1: calibscale value: 0 attr 2: filter_low_pass_3db_frequency value: 0 attr 3: raw value: 1367883 attr 4: scale value: 0.000000005 accel_x: (input, index: 3, format: be:S32/32>>0) 5 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: calibbias value: 0 attr 1: calibscale value: 0 attr 2: filter_low_pass_3db_frequency value: 0 attr 3: raw value: -18474238 attr 4: scale value: 0.000000037 accel_y: (input, index: 4, format: be:S32/32>>0) 5 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: calibbias value: 0 attr 1: calibscale value: 0 attr 2: filter_low_pass_3db_frequency value: 0 attr 3: raw value: -13953978 attr 4: scale value: 0.000000037 accel_z: (input, index: 5, format: be:S32/32>>0) 5 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: calibbias value: 0 attr 1: calibscale value: 0 attr 2: filter_low_pass_3db_frequency value: 0 attr 3: raw value: 260777763 attr 4: scale value: 0.000000037 timestamp: (input, index: 7, format: le:S64/64>>0) temp0: (input, index: 10, format: be:S16/16>>0) 3 channel-specific attributes found: attr 0: offset value: 4425 attr 1: raw value: 4162 attr 2: scale value: 5.650000 2 device-specific attributes found: attr 0: current_timestamp_clock value: realtime attr 1: sampling_frequency value: 2460.000000 1 buffer-specific attributes found: attr 0: data_available value: 26 Current trigger: trigger0(adis16485-dev0) iio_sysfs_trigger: 0 channels found: 2 device-specific attributes found: attr 0: add_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13) attr 1: remove_trigger ERROR: Permission denied (13) No trigger on this device trigger0: adis16485-dev0 0 channels found: No trigger on this device