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sometime pyadi receives on only first 2 channel instead of all 4 channel on FMCOMMS5

Category: Software
Product Number: FMCOMMS5 with ZC702

Run below code on ZC702 with Aug 3 2022 image:

import time
import adi

sdr = adi.FMComms5("ip:")

record_duration = 0.25 * 1e-3
rx_lo = 2412000000
rx_gain = 30
rx_rf_bandwidth = 20000000
sample_rate = 20000000

sdr.sample_rate = sample_rate
sdr.rx_rf_bandwidth = rx_rf_bandwidth
sdr.rx_rf_bandwidth_chip_b = rx_rf_bandwidth

sdr.rx_lo = rx_lo
sdr.rx_lo_chip_b = rx_lo

gain_control_mode = "manual"
sdr.gain_control_mode_chan0 = gain_control_mode
sdr.gain_control_mode_chan1 = gain_control_mode
sdr.gain_control_mode_chip_b_chan0 = gain_control_mode
sdr.gain_control_mode_chip_b_chan1 = gain_control_mode

sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chan0 = rx_gain
sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chan1 = rx_gain
sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chip_b_chan0 = rx_gain
sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chip_b_chan1 = rx_gain

sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [0, 1, 2, 3]

# this is buffer size in samples for one channel
rx_buffer_size = int(record_duration * sample_rate)
sdr.rx_buffer_size = rx_buffer_size

time.sleep(1) # reserve for FPGA to response

data = sdr.rx()

for idx in range(10):
print("%5d+%5dj %5d+%5dj %5d+%5dj %5d+%5dj" % (
np.real(data[0][idx]), np.imag(data[0][idx]),
np.real(data[1][idx]), np.imag(data[1][idx]),
np.real(data[2][idx]), np.imag(data[2][idx]),
np.real(data[3][idx]), np.imag(data[3][idx])))

Four running result are shown as below:
analog@analog:~/workspace/fmcomms5_py $ python3
-2+ 1j 1+ 0j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
-1+ 0j -3+ -1j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
0+ 2j -2+ 0j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
0+ -1j 1+ 0j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
0+ 0j 1+ 2j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
-1+ 0j -1+ 1j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
0+ -2j -1+ 1j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
0+ 1j 1+ 0j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
-1+ 0j 3+ 0j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
1+ 0j -2+ -1j -3+ -10j -1041+-1041j
analog@analog:~/workspace/fmcomms5_py $ python3
-1+ 0j -1+ -2j 1+ 0j 0+ 1j
1+ 0j -1+ -2j 1+ 0j 1+ 2j
0+ 1j 0+ 1j -1+ 0j -1+ 1j
0+ 1j -1+ 0j 1+ -1j -2+ 0j
-1+ 1j 1+ 0j 0+ 1j 0+ 0j
0+ -1j 2+ -1j -1+ -1j -1+ 0j
0+ 0j 1+ 0j -1+ -1j 1+ 0j
1+ 0j 1+ 0j -1+ 0j 0+ 0j
-1+ -2j 1+ 1j 0+ 0j -3+ 1j
0+ -1j -2+ 0j -1+ 1j 0+ 1j
It is easy to see that ch0/1 are correct for two running. But ch2/3 are not correct for the first running. When ch2/3 are correct are totally randomly, sometimes it can repeat the error for tens time.
  • Hi,

    I notice in your example that your buffer size is not a multiple of the sample size. Make sure it always is a multiple.



  • Do you mean that buffer size should be multiple of 16byte?

    What I found is that buffer size in python is measured by sample instead of byte, so buffer size does not to be multiple of sample size. for example, when four RX channel enabled and the sample size is 16 bytes, then my example code can dump all data to a 80000 byte binary file.

  • Right, the size is in samples, sorry.


  • To install the python bindings:

    git clone

    cd libad9361-iio/bindings/python

    cmake .

    pip install .


  • I recreated the image from beginning in case of any error. When doing, I noticed:

    *** Updating libad9361-iio BRANCH origin/2021_R1 ***
    HEAD is now at fd44358 Fix flags for FMComms5 python tests
    * [new branch] staging/ci-update -> origin/staging/ci-update

    *** Building libad9361-iio ***

    So after all update done, I clone libad93610-iio and went to staging/ci-update, and follow your instruction. And then run that python code but still a lot error.

    Then I reinstall with sudo pip install ., it still has the problem and the error probability is  about 30%, lower than before. if running the python code with sudo privilege, seems no much difference.

    I can still tolerate it if just in this error rate. But after developing a new code with loop to repeat receiving many times, New problem comes. The code is as below. It includes a small code to check if data are received correctly or not

    from scipy import io
    import numpy as np
    import time
    import adi

    sdr = adi.FMComms5("ip:")

    record_duration = 10 * 1e-3
    rx_lo = 2412000000
    rx_gain = 10
    rx_rf_bandwidth = 20000000
    sample_rate = 20000000

    sdr.sample_rate = sample_rate
    sdr.rx_rf_bandwidth = rx_rf_bandwidth
    sdr.rx_rf_bandwidth_chip_b = rx_rf_bandwidth

    sdr.rx_lo = rx_lo
    sdr.rx_lo_chip_b = rx_lo

    gain_control_mode = "manual"
    sdr.gain_control_mode_chan0 = gain_control_mode
    sdr.gain_control_mode_chan1 = gain_control_mode
    sdr.gain_control_mode_chip_b_chan0 = gain_control_mode
    sdr.gain_control_mode_chip_b_chan1 = gain_control_mode

    sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chan0 = rx_gain
    sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chan1 = rx_gain
    sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chip_b_chan0 = rx_gain
    sdr.rx_hardwaregain_chip_b_chan1 = rx_gain

    sdr.rx_enabled_channels = [0, 1, 2, 3]

    # this is buffer size in samples for one channel
    rx_buffer_size = int(record_duration * sample_rate)
    sdr.rx_buffer_size = rx_buffer_size

    time.sleep(1) # reserve for FPGA to response

    err_cnt = 0
    for cnt in range(100):
        data = sdr.rx()
        if ((data[2][0] == data[2][1]) and (data[3][0] == data[3][1])): # check if data is correct
            err_cnt = err_cnt + 1
            sdr.rx_buffer_size = rx_buffer_size

    Below is output to use a shell script to call above code for many times:
    [sudo] password for analog:
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:52:29 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:53:03 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:53:43 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:54:17 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:54:57 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:55:31 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:56:11 PM PDT
    Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:56:45 PM PDT
    It shows a big problem: once the code did not get right result for the first time in a loop, then it repeats to get wrong result till loop ends. This cannot be tolerated in my app.
    In fact, what I want to do is to get FMComms5's four RX channel sample in a time synchronized way (phase sync is not necessary). Any code (C, grc or python) that can achieve this function are OK. But the first step was blocked here for weeks.
  • It works. Most of time the loop run successfully for 100 times. Sometimes it fails just 1 time in 100 iteration. Not perfect, but good enough to start my trial.Thank you a lot, Travis.

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