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Looking for ADC true bipolar with high MSPS!

I'm looking for a (SAR) ADC with the following features

- This must be pseudo differential true bipolar or differential true bipolar
- SPI interface
- 16 bits
- Nice would be 1 channel
- about 10 MSPS

I can only find the LTC2328-16 (1MSPS). Unfortunately he does not have a higher MSPS.

Do you have suggestions or an alternatives ADC with higher MSPS?

best regards,



  • ADI does not have a 10Msps SAR ADC with true bipolar inputs. The LTC2386-16 is a 10Msps SAR ADC with a 0-4.096V absolute input voltage range. It should be possible to translate your input signal to the common mode range of the LTC2386-16.

    What is the input signal voltage range? What is the input signal bandwidth? What kind of SNR and THD specs are  required?

  • Hi, thanks for the quick reply

    The voltage signal range will probably be in the mV range (10-250mV), but I think I will amplify the voltage signals before injecting them into the ADC.
    The signal bandwidth goes from 50k to 500kHz. I was looking for 10MSPS because I wanted to do a (10 times) oversampling. (As an alternative, I'll look up undersampling)
    SNR circa 90dB, THD circa -100dB.


    I like the LTC2370-16 (2MSPS). All I have to do is raise the input voltage to the input range (0V to VREF), but that should not be a big problem. For the beginning 2MSPS are enough.

  • The LTC2370-16 will not provide the performance you are looking for above fin=100kHz. See the typical performance curves on page 6 of the LTC2370-16 data sheet.

    You might consider the LTC2385-16. SNR and THD performance are within your desired specs well beyond 500kHz.

    Using the AD8139 differential ADC driver you should be able to take your single-ended true bipolar signal and convert it to a differential signal, compatible with the signal levels of the LTC2385-16. See Figure 61 as an example on page 21 of AD8139 data sheet.

  • thank you for your help.
    Your hints helped me a lot.
    best regards

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