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Scopy installation and running problem.adalm2000

I installed the most recent version of Scopy with no problems on a desktop windows 10 computer. I tried to install the same software on a laptop from 2019 from MSI with windows 10 pro. When I plug the ADALM2000 into the computer a window opens up with the name M2K. There are a few html and ini and txt file in there. I don't do anything with this window or files. The M2K

ready LED appears to be constant and the LED1 LED is slowly blinking. After this I double clicked the Scopy app. It opens up and looks normal except there is no M2K device showing up. This is certainly different than the desktop installation/operation.  Does anyone know what the issues might be?

Device manager has 2 devices associated with the M2K. They are in other devices. IIO and RNDIS. The device drivers for these can not be updated. I looked in the scopy dir and the internet. No drivers were found. Is this an issue or not?

Mark Allie

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