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ltspice components issue DFLS1100 and DFLR1200


can some one tell me how can i add the component in LTspiceand what changes do i need to make in the existing spice file to access the txt file downloaded for the components DFLS1100(schottky) and DFLR1200 (rectifier) as mentioned below exactly in the txt file (this is the exact info in the txt file without any changes in text with both separate files ) and the component and the spice file is chosen from Diode Inc.

*SRC=DFLS1100;DI_DFLS1100;Diodes;Si; 100V 1.00A 11.0ns Diodes Inc. Schottky Rectifier
.MODEL DI_DFLS1100 D ( IS=270n RS=28.3m BV=100 IBV=1.00u
+ CJO=70.9p M=0.333 N=1.50 TT=15.8n )

*SRC=DFLR1200;DI_DFLR1200;Diodes;Si; 200V 1.00A 3.00us Diodes Inc Standard Recovery Rectifier
.MODEL DI_DFLR1200 D ( IS=5.90n RS=44.7m BV=200 IBV=3.00u
+ CJO=18.5p M=0.333 N=1.88 TT=4.32u )

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