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November 2019 StudentZone Quiz Solution

Question 1:

Can you derive the sensitivity in mV/ºC you measured from the diode equation?

Answer 1:

We can obtain the sensitivity in mV/ºC measured from the diode equation by taking into account the following values from the activity:


Vref=-6.953mV (obtained from the measurement presented in Figure 3)

Vtemp=7.879mV (obtained from the measurement presented in Figure 4)

The temperature of the sensor can be obtained using the following formula:

The sensitivity of the sensor is computed as follows:

Question 2:

What is the purpose of the reference diode in this configuration?

Answer 2:

The reference diode serves as the temperature reference maintained at a constant temperature, considered as room temperature (25º C) for the experiments.

The sensitivity of the sensor is computed as follows:

  • Hi. Beautiful experiment. Thank you. I have two questions.

    1.Why do I have without perturbing the diodes always a negative differential value of Vtemp? I have swapped both diodes and both resistors thinking of building tolerance but I always obtain negative values of differential voltage always around -5/6mV. What is biasing?

    2. In the text you talk using the True RMS measurement display. Where can I find it?

    thank you in advance.
