we are currently working on prototyping a digital filter. For that, we purchased a SDP-H1 board with the AD7606C-16 evaluation board and are facing some issues while trying it out in ACE.
- When using parallel interface every sampling rate above 670 KSPS gives oscillating results, where the signal seems to be split between multiple channels. E.g. in the pictures below, a 1 kHz, 2 Vpp sine wave is connected to channel 1 while all other channels are grounded. Only the sampling rate was changed:
- When using serial interface 1 MSPS works, but everything between 700 and 999 KSPS gives different errors. Again, only channel 1 has an input.
- Whenever a signal is captured in ACE multiple (>20) of the same errors occur, even with the default configuration:
7/5/2023 2:56:53 PM
Value must be between -180 and 180
While it states the problem, no such value could be found. This doesn’t stop the software from working, but it is still confusing. - We couldn’t find any documentation on how to create and load a custom program on the uC and/or FPGA. We do have a XLINX JTAG program available. Do you have any further documentation or example projects? Or is the board really only usable with the ACE software?
Points 1 to 3 were tested any found on two separate SDP-H1 and AD7606C-16 boards as well as on two different computers.
Any help or links to suitable ressources would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Nico