I am not able to find windows 10 drivers for the SDP-S board. Can you supply me with a link to download the drivers?
I am not able to find windows 10 drivers for the SDP-S board. Can you supply me with a link to download the drivers?
No device connected when DSP-S board is connected. The c SDP connection failed. Hardware looks fine
No device connected when DSP-S board is connected. The c SDP connection failed. Hardware looks fine
We need to confirm that the required USB drivers installed correctly. Please disconnect the SDP-S from the ADFxxxx evaluation board and connect the SDP-S to your PC. Then open device manager and confirm that you see the "Analog Devices SDP-S" device in the "ADI Development Tools" section (see figure 2 of the SDP-S user guide for reference).
Also, can you confirm that the green PWR LED is on which should indicate that the SDP-S is powered up ok? (Refer to the "LEDs" section of user guide)
Only SDP-S connected to PC, The device manager indicates that the drivers for this device are not installed (code 28) and there are no compatible drivers for this device. I have tried to update the driver and failed.
SDP-S is powered (green LED is on)
Sounds like something went wrong with the USB driver install process. In Device Manager, right-click on the unrecognized SDP-S and select "Uninstall". Then disconnect the SDP-S from your PC and download and install ftp://ftp.analog.com/pub/PSA_Support/SDP/Release/SDPDrivers.exe. This should hopefully fix the problem you're encountering.
Do take care to ensure that the SDP-S is disconnected from the PC before running the installer...
The issue was resolved after uninstall and reinstall. Thanks a lot.