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Observation Rx

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9009

Hi there,

How to enable observation receiver of ADRV9009 in Matlab? I've tried to use ADRV9009_ORx_Example.m and defined rx = adi.ADRV9009.ORx('uri', uri), but it always shows error 100

Error using matlabshared.libiio.base/cstatus
Attribute powerdown return value 1, expected 0

Error in adi.common.Attribute/setAttributeBool (line 100)
cstatus(obj,status,['Attribute ' attr ' return value ' num2str(rValue) ', expected ' num2str(value)]);

Error in adi.ADRV9009.ORx/setupInit (line 171)
obj.setAttributeBool('voltage3', 'powerdown', false, false);

I've tried to enable voltage3 and made powerdown false but never succeeded. I have ZC706 and ACU102 carriers both has the same error.

Best wishes,


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