Hello All
We are using ADRV9008-2 and ADRV9008-1 Evaluation boards that is configured using Xilinx ZCU102 board. We have successfully tested the performance of DAC and ADC with profile of 245.76MHz sampling rate that was generated using ADRV9008-x and ADRV9009 Profile Configuration Tool (Filter Wizard) available at www.analog.com/.../transceiver-evaluation-software.html. Now, we are trying to generate profile that provides sampling rate of 491.52MHz at DAC and 245.76MHz at ADC with device clock of 491.52MHz using the same tool and the corresponding GUI settings is attached.
The corresponding .txt files generated using this tool is attached.
<profile Talise version=1 name=Tx_BW150_IR491p52_Rx_BW150_OR245p76_ORx_BW150_OR491p52> <clocks> <deviceClock_kHz=491520> <clkPllVcoFreq_kHz=9830400> <clkPllHsDiv=2.5> </clocks> <rx name=Rx 150.00MHz, OutputRate 245.76MHz, TotalDecimation 8> <rxChannels=TAL_RX1RX2> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rxDec5Decimation=4> <rhb1Decimation=1> <rxOutputRate_kHz=245760> <rfBandwidth_Hz=150000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=150000> <rxDdcMode=0> <rxNcoShifterCfg> <bandAInputBandWidth_kHz=0> <bandAInputCenterFreq_kHz=0> <bandANco1Freq_kHz=0> <bandANco2Freq_kHz=0> <bandBInputBandWidth_kHz=0> <bandBInputCenterFreq_kHz=0> <bandBNco1Freq_kHz=0> <bandBNco2Freq_kHz=0> </rxNcoShifterCfg> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=48> 0 2 -2 -9 3 33 5 -90 -49 192 183 -332 -486 459 1064 -448 -2035 52 3553 1219 -6099 -5296 11182 29667 29667 11182 -5296 -6099 1219 3553 52 -2035 -448 1064 459 -486 -332 183 192 -49 -90 5 33 3 -9 -2 2 0 </filter> <rxAdcProfile num=42> 220 140 176 90 1280 640 1296 53 1336 30 884 29 48 48 33 188 0 0 0 0 47 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </rxAdcProfile> </rx> <obsRx name=Rx 150.00MHz, OutputRate 491.52MHz, TotalDecimation 4> <obsRxChannelsEnable=TAL_ORX1ORX2> <enAdcStitching=0> <rxFirDecimation=1> <rxDec5Decimation=4> <rhb1Decimation=1> <orxOutputRate_kHz=491520> <rfBandwidth_Hz=150000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=225000> <orxDdcMode=0> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=24> -14 307 153 -727 -876 1046 2490 -574 -5483 -2516 12090 26968 26968 12090 -2516 -5483 -574 2490 1046 -876 -727 153 307 -14 </filter> <orxLowPassAdcProfile num=42> 220 140 176 90 1280 640 1296 53 1336 30 884 29 48 48 33 188 0 0 0 0 47 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </orxLowPassAdcProfile> <orxBandPassAdcProfile num=42> 220 140 176 90 1280 640 1296 53 1336 30 884 29 48 48 33 188 0 0 0 0 47 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </orxBandPassAdcProfile> </obsRx> <lpbk> <rxFirDecimation=1> <rhb1Decimation=1> <outputRate_kHz=491520> <rfBandwidth_Hz=100000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=225000> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 num=24> -14 307 153 -727 -876 1046 2490 -574 -5483 -2516 12090 26968 26968 12090 -2516 -5483 -574 2490 1046 -876 -727 153 307 -14 </filter> <lpbkAdcProfile num=42> 212 140 175 90 1280 699 1304 59 1343 33 913 27 48 48 34 192 0 0 0 0 48 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </lpbkAdcProfile> </lpbk> <tx name=Tx 150.00MHz, InputRate 491.52MHz, TotalInterpolation 4> <txChannels=TAL_TX1TX2> <dacDiv=1> <txFirInterpolation=1> <thb1Interpolation=2> <thb2Interpolation=2> <thb3Interpolation=1> <txInt5Interpolation=1> <txInputRate_kHz=491520> <primarySigBandwidth_Hz=100000000> <rfBandwidth_Hz=150000000> <txDac3dBCorner_kHz=187000> <txBbf3dBCorner_kHz=75000> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=20> -5206 1690 4491 3960 -1333 -6724 -4965 6203 20239 26600 20239 6203 -4965 -6724 -1333 3960 4491 1690 -5206 0 </filter> </tx> </profile>
When this .txt file was used to generate the corresponding script (init .c files) using ADRV9008/ADRV9009 Evaluation Software with GUI for Evaluation Board, we are receiving an error message which is not clearly mentioned in the log file. The log file and GUI configuration settings is attached for reference
Requesting to provide solution to this issue.