Hi, my name is Haim Litvak
I want to measure the performance of RX Analog Filter in ADRV9009
Could you please help me with the follows:
- How to set the RX FIR to "ALL PASS" - in other words to pass all frequency without filtering. In attached files see the files from "wizard tool" One of the files named the "Tx_BW200_IR245p76_Rx_BW100_OR122p88_ORx_BW200_OR245p76_fir_all_pass.txt" concludes the FIR coefficients that I produced. But not succeeded. I loaded "my profile" to "TES SW ", but not achieved the FIR – "ALL PATH". See in attached files the profile that produced by wizard tool.
- Please advise how to by pass the all filters in RX path, see below the figure. My setup is TES (Transmitter Evaluation Software) and EVB based on " ADRV9009-W/PCBZ", " EVAL-TPG-ZYNQ3"
<profile Talise version=1 name=Tx_BW200_IR245p76_Rx_BW100_OR122p88_ORx_BW200_OR245p76> <clocks> <deviceClock_kHz=65536> <clkPllVcoFreq_kHz=9830400> <clkPllHsDiv=2.5> </clocks> <rx name=Rx 100.00MHz, OutputRate 122.88MHz, TotalDecimation 16> <rxChannels=TAL_RX1RX2> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rxDec5Decimation=4> <rhb1Decimation=2> <rxOutputRate_kHz=122880> <rfBandwidth_Hz=100000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=100000> <rxDdcMode=0> <rxNcoShifterCfg> <bandAInputBandWidth_kHz=0> <bandAInputCenterFreq_kHz=0> <bandANco1Freq_kHz=0> <bandANco2Freq_kHz=0> <bandBInputBandWidth_kHz=0> <bandBInputCenterFreq_kHz=0> <bandBNco1Freq_kHz=0> <bandBNco2Freq_kHz=0> </rxNcoShifterCfg> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=72> 0 -1 2 3 -4 -7 10 16 -21 -31 40 56 -71 -96 119 157 -187 -241 288 363 -431 -538 622 772 -891 -1105 1264 1582 -1819 -2335 2710 3697 -4461 -7201 9397 31111 31111 9397 -7201 -4461 3697 2710 -2335 -1819 1582 1264 -1105 -891 772 622 -538 -431 363 288 -241 -187 157 119 -96 -71 56 40 -31 -21 16 10 -7 -4 3 2 -1 0 </filter> <rxAdcProfile num=42> 265 146 181 90 1280 366 1257 27 1258 17 718 39 48 46 27 161 0 0 0 0 40 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </rxAdcProfile> </rx> <obsRx name=Rx 200.00MHz, OutputRate 245.76MHz, TotalDecimation 8> <obsRxChannelsEnable=TAL_ORX1ORX2> <enAdcStitching=0> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rxDec5Decimation=4> <rhb1Decimation=1> <orxOutputRate_kHz=245760> <rfBandwidth_Hz=200000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=225000> <orxDdcMode=0> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=48> -7 -21 31 48 -67 -106 124 164 -275 -334 440 552 -694 -872 1069 1351 -1633 -2111 2541 3477 -4295 -6877 9433 30825 30825 9433 -6877 -4295 3477 2541 -2111 -1633 1351 1069 -872 -694 552 440 -334 -275 164 124 -106 -67 48 31 -21 -7 </filter> <orxLowPassAdcProfile num=42> 185 141 172 90 1280 942 1332 90 1368 46 1016 19 48 48 37 208 0 0 0 0 52 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </orxLowPassAdcProfile> <orxBandPassAdcProfile num=42> 185 141 172 90 1280 942 1332 90 1368 46 1016 19 48 48 37 208 0 0 0 0 52 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </orxBandPassAdcProfile> </obsRx> <lpbk> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rhb1Decimation=1> <outputRate_kHz=245760> <rfBandwidth_Hz=75000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=225000> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 num=48> -7 -21 31 48 -67 -106 124 164 -275 -334 440 552 -694 -872 1069 1351 -1633 -2111 2541 3477 -4295 -6877 9433 30825 30825 9433 -6877 -4295 3477 2541 -2111 -1633 1351 1069 -872 -694 552 440 -334 -275 164 124 -106 -67 48 31 -21 -7 </filter> <lpbkAdcProfile num=42> 243 143 181 90 1280 485 1275 37 1317 23 797 35 48 48 30 174 0 0 0 0 44 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </lpbkAdcProfile> </lpbk> <tx name=Tx 200.00MHz, InputRate 245.76MHz, TotalInterpolation 8> <txChannels=TAL_TX1TX2> <dacDiv=1> <txFirInterpolation=1> <thb1Interpolation=2> <thb2Interpolation=2> <thb3Interpolation=2> <txInt5Interpolation=1> <txInputRate_kHz=245760> <primarySigBandwidth_Hz=75000000> <rfBandwidth_Hz=200000000> <txDac3dBCorner_kHz=200000> <txBbf3dBCorner_kHz=100000> <filter FIR gain_dB=0 numFirCoefs=20> 33 -77 123 -158 171 -112 -155 1040 -3011 20121 -3011 1040 -155 -112 171 -158 123 -77 33 0 </filter> </tx> </profile>
<profile Talise version=1 name=Tx_BW200_IR245p76_Rx_BW100_OR122p88_ORx_BW200_OR245p76> <clocks> <deviceClock_kHz=65536> <clkPllVcoFreq_kHz=9830400> <clkPllHsDiv=2.5> </clocks> <rx name=Rx 100.00MHz, OutputRate 122.88MHz, TotalDecimation 16> <rxChannels=TAL_RX1RX2> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rxDec5Decimation=4> <rhb1Decimation=2> <rxOutputRate_kHz=122880> <rfBandwidth_Hz=100000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=100000> <rxDdcMode=0> <rxNcoShifterCfg> <bandAInputBandWidth_kHz=0> <bandAInputCenterFreq_kHz=0> <bandANco1Freq_kHz=0> <bandANco2Freq_kHz=0> <bandBInputBandWidth_kHz=0> <bandBInputCenterFreq_kHz=0> <bandBNco1Freq_kHz=0> <bandBNco2Freq_kHz=0> </rxNcoShifterCfg> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=72> 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 </filter> <rxAdcProfile num=42> 265 146 181 90 1280 366 1257 27 1258 17 718 39 48 46 27 161 0 0 0 0 40 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </rxAdcProfile> </rx> <obsRx name=Rx 200.00MHz, OutputRate 245.76MHz, TotalDecimation 8> <obsRxChannelsEnable=TAL_ORX1ORX2> <enAdcStitching=0> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rxDec5Decimation=4> <rhb1Decimation=1> <orxOutputRate_kHz=245760> <rfBandwidth_Hz=200000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=225000> <orxDdcMode=0> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 numFirCoefs=48> -7 -21 31 48 -67 -106 124 164 -275 -334 440 552 -694 -872 1069 1351 -1633 -2111 2541 3477 -4295 -6877 9433 30825 30825 9433 -6877 -4295 3477 2541 -2111 -1633 1351 1069 -872 -694 552 440 -334 -275 164 124 -106 -67 48 31 -21 -7 </filter> <orxLowPassAdcProfile num=42> 185 141 172 90 1280 942 1332 90 1368 46 1016 19 48 48 37 208 0 0 0 0 52 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </orxLowPassAdcProfile> <orxBandPassAdcProfile num=42> 185 141 172 90 1280 942 1332 90 1368 46 1016 19 48 48 37 208 0 0 0 0 52 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </orxBandPassAdcProfile> </obsRx> <lpbk> <rxFirDecimation=2> <rhb1Decimation=1> <outputRate_kHz=245760> <rfBandwidth_Hz=75000000> <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=225000> <filter FIR gain_dB=-6 num=48> -7 -21 31 48 -67 -106 124 164 -275 -334 440 552 -694 -872 1069 1351 -1633 -2111 2541 3477 -4295 -6877 9433 30825 30825 9433 -6877 -4295 3477 2541 -2111 -1633 1351 1069 -872 -694 552 440 -334 -275 164 124 -106 -67 48 31 -21 -7 </filter> <lpbkAdcProfile num=42> 243 143 181 90 1280 485 1275 37 1317 23 797 35 48 48 30 174 0 0 0 0 44 0 7 6 42 0 7 6 42 0 25 27 0 0 25 27 0 0 165 44 31 905 </lpbkAdcProfile> </lpbk> <tx name=Tx 200.00MHz, InputRate 245.76MHz, TotalInterpolation 8> <txChannels=TAL_TX1TX2> <dacDiv=1> <txFirInterpolation=1> <thb1Interpolation=2> <thb2Interpolation=2> <thb3Interpolation=2> <txInt5Interpolation=1> <txInputRate_kHz=245760> <primarySigBandwidth_Hz=75000000> <rfBandwidth_Hz=200000000> <txDac3dBCorner_kHz=200000> <txBbf3dBCorner_kHz=100000> <filter FIR gain_dB=0 numFirCoefs=20> 33 -77 123 -158 171 -112 -155 1040 -3011 20121 -3011 1040 -155 -112 171 -158 123 -77 33 0 </filter> </tx> </profile>
Thanks a lot
Haim Litvak
System Engineer
Elta Systems