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ADRV9009 Power level at 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz

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Hi everyone, 

i'm working with the ADRV9009-ZU11EG, i tried to generate a SinWave signal with a -35dBm power with a signal generator. I tried to measure this SinWave at 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz by means of power density spectrum computation. At 2.4GHz i found the signal magnitude which is correct regarding the generated signal. But at 5.8GHz i measure a signal level much lower than what expected (about 10dB lower). I would like to know why? and is there any solution to this issue?

Find bellow the measure power with the ADR9009 with 8 channels.

  2,4GHz (dBm) 5,8Ghz(dBm)
CH 0 -35 -45
CH 1 -35 -42,9
CH 2 -35 -40
CH 3 -35 -50
CH 4 -35 -45
CH 5 -35 -44
CH 6 -35 -45
CH 7 -35 -48

An example of time domain and frequency domaine signal mesured at 2.4GHz.

An example of time domain and frequency domaine signal mesured at 5.8GHz.

Kind regards


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