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ZC706 + ADRV9009 Linux image SD card - boot crash


I have a ZC706 board from Xilinx and I want to run TES for the ADRV9009.

I found this link and downloaded the zipped folder

Under Windows 10 I copied all the contents to a 8GB SD card and install it on the ZC706.

The ZC706 boot and crash just after displaying the Linux Penguin.

What I make wrong ?

Thanks Panou

Parents Reply
  • OK I understand better now. This something also very still strange for me . Inside the there is a folder update_ZC706 which content uImage and device.dtb from 2016 ! How can be possible to have files that are from 2016 and others from 2018 ? 

    So to work with ADRV9009 you need 1600USD(ADRV9009)+3300USD(ZYNQ3)+2500USD(ZCU102) = 7400USD to do the same that was possible to do with the ADRV9371 and ZC706 ... nice ... 


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