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Multichip synchronization support on CMOS

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: 2021_r2

Hi. I am trying to do MCS of a single adrv9002 with zcu102 and Kuiper linux. I'm using defualt Analog Devices HDL for the design. When I make the HDL for LVDS, the MCS is done using these steps:  ADRV9002: MCS setting on the IIO oscilloscope , but when I use the same steps for a CMOS project, the command echo 1> multi_chip_sync does not run successfully and results in a timeout error. So my question is: Is MCS only supported for LVDS and not CMOS? Because my plan is to shift the project over Zedboard instead of Zcu102, and Zedboard has only CMOS project provided at Analog Devices repo. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


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