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ADRV9002 – Freeze Detection via GPIO & Seed/Save Gain Value

Category: Software
Product Number: ADRV9002
Software Version: TES 0.21.0

Dear Support-team,

Can you share some information on “Freeze Detection via GPIO” and “Seed/Save Gain Value” which can be found in the Gain Control Tab of TES?

Both functionalities are provided in TES 0.21.0 but no information is given in UG-1828.

E.g. compare figure 166 in UG and attached screenshot from TES 0.21.0.


Freeze Detection via GPIO:

Is the assigned GPIO an input or an output pin?

We assume that in AGC mode, one can freeze the gain control externally according to the input level of the assigned pin.

Do the detectors work independently of that configuration?

Which API command corresponds to this configuration?


Seed / Save Gain Value:

Please share more details.

Which API command corresponds to this configuration?




  • Hi,

    I'll look into this for you now.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    Sometimes our documentation releases lag our software releases. This will be included in a future user guide release. I can detail these features here briefly. There is also a very brief explanation in the SDK changelog.

    Freeze Detection via GPIO:

    This feature allows you to set a GPIO to pause the AGC from updating. From the Gain Control tab, you can set which GPIO you want this to be triggered by:

    From the Receive tab, you can evaluate this easily by setting your pin Low or High.

    For example, in the case above, when I assert GPIO 0 High, the AGC will freeze and not update and when I assert the signal Low, it will resume normal operation.

    Via API, the AGC Freeze Pin is set in the adi_adrv9001_GainControlCfg struct.

    Seed / Save Gain Value:

    This feature is used to trigger the seed or save the gain value and apply it via a GPIO.

    In the "Gain Control" tab, you set which GPIO you want this to be triggered by. The gain control mode must be set to 'automatic'. 

    The expected use of this feature is to seed the AGC at start of frame (GPIO goes HIGH) and save at end of frame (GPIO goes LOW). You can seed/save from the GUI by going to View >> Interface Gain Seed/Save:

    To use this feature via API, to seed the AGC value use adi_adrv9001_Rx_InterfaceGain_SeedGain_Set and then bring the assigned pin HIGH (triggers ARM to apply interfaceGain from memory) and to save the AGC value bring the assigned GPIO LOW (triggers ARM to update interfaceGain from memory) and then get the EndOfFrame Interface Game from ARM Memory using adi_adrv9001_Rx_InterfaceGain_EndOfFrameGain_Get.

    Best Regards,
