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GUI connection issue

I have trouble connecting to the board using the evaluation software (TES). Getting GUI pop-up error.

  • Hello,
    I have also connection problems. ADRV9002 + ZYNQ702

    The directory /home/analog/adrv9001_server/resources/Adi.Adrv9001.Server/
    contains Adrv9001Server_B0_29.2.0

    Ping in both directions is ok.

    How can I star the server manualy?

    Best regards

  • Hi Stefan,

    You can manually start the server by navigation to that 'Adi.Adrv9001.Server/' folder and then running:


    This should manually start the server. While the server is starting it will attempt to connect to the ADRV9002 device. If this connection attempt fails then the server will fail, so make certain the device is connected securely and operational. If the server starts successfully the command prompt indicate that the server is waiting for something to connect to it. At this point go to TES on your host laptop and connect to the platform. If TES connects you should be good to go, it'd be unlikely that you'll need to perform this step again.

    If you continue having issues capture a screenshot of the command prompt output and post it here, we'll take a look at it and provide next steps.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Stefan,

    You can manually start the server by navigation to that 'Adi.Adrv9001.Server/' folder and then running:


    This should manually start the server. While the server is starting it will attempt to connect to the ADRV9002 device. If this connection attempt fails then the server will fail, so make certain the device is connected securely and operational. If the server starts successfully the command prompt indicate that the server is waiting for something to connect to it. At this point go to TES on your host laptop and connect to the platform. If TES connects you should be good to go, it'd be unlikely that you'll need to perform this step again.

    If you continue having issues capture a screenshot of the command prompt output and post it here, we'll take a look at it and provide next steps.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Oisin,

     if inserted the second SD Card (AD_FMC_SDCARD) the phy can be found:

    root@analog:~# iio_attr -d
    IIO context has 5 devices:
    iio:device0, ams: found 1 device attributes
    iio:device1, adrv9002-phy: found 1 device attributes
    iio:device2, axi-adrv9002-rx-lpc: found 0 device attributes
    iio:device3, axi-adrv9002-tx-lpc: found 0 device attributes
    iio_sysfs_trigger: found 2 device attributes

  • Hi Stephan,

    If you use that second SD card you'd be using the IIO Scope software to connect to the device. This software is supported by a different team, we'd be happy to direct you to them if you decide to carry on with that software.

    For the TES SD Card, I noticed that you're pinging Our server expects the laptop's ethernet connection to be at These requirements are listed in the ADV9001 Evaluation System section of the User Guide. Is there anything stopping you from setting the laptop's IP address? If so we can try to accommodate or adapt to it.

    Failing this, what sometimes works is a redownload of the TES software and a reimage of the SD card. If all else fails we'll circle back to this option.

    Let me know if any of this helps! If not I'll consult with the team.

    Best Regards,


  • IP does not help. I used the IIO SD card only to test the principal hardware function.
    I will redownload and reimage the TES SD card.

  • Hello Oisin,,

    I have no luck with the TES image.

    I put the image (adrv9001-tes-sdcard.zipà 65883SD01.img) on the SD card several times. With this card the ZCU702 Board does not boot: I think the image is for the ZC706.
    After copying the three files:

    from the other SD card (directory zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-adrv9002) to the root directory of the TES card the system boot. But the server doesn’t start.

    It would be very helpful, if you provide an image of the zcu102/adrv9002 TES configuration.

  • Hello again,

    Upon re-reading your issue I noticed that you're using the ZCU702 board, rather than the ZC706. I apologise for not seeing that detail before. The current release does not support the ZCU702, however the next release will. The next software release is not long away, I can't confirm the exact date, but it should be very soon.

    Do also take a look at the "Documents" tab of this forum. The next release of software will require an update to the SD card in order to accommodate the changes made. One of our engineers has written a guide on how to update the SD card to the version 12 release (the current release). When the next release is published the new SD card image will be available for download, and a new guide will be published on how to update to the version 13 image.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Oisin,

    We also got a trouble. 

    We used the "" image on ZC706,

    But print Failed to start Load Kernel Modules, and could not find the folder "Adi.Adrv9001.server"

    What can we do to solve this situation???

  • Hi again,

    This is a bit of a pernicious issue, it happens pretty rarely but the root cause is very hard to track down. I believe it's caused by some error being saved into a log file. Sadly the only solution I've found to be effective is to wipe TES and the SDK from the host machine (making sure to backup any files you wrote yourself or modified for your application) as well as deleting the .zip file downloaded from Use the "Uninstall.exe" found in the TES folder to remove TES properly, before deleting the SDK. Download a new SDK and reinstall TES from scratch. This should give you a completely uncorrupted install.

    After that, before connecting TES to the ZC706, use PuTTY to confirm whether or not the Adi.Adrv9001.server folder is there. If it is, try to run the executable Adrv9001Server_B0_29.2.0 file. It may be called something else on your setup. With nothing connected, it should wait for something to try to connect to the server. At this point use TES to connect. If it isn't there, delete the /home/analog/adrv9001_server/resources folder, then try using TES to perform a "Force System Update" in the "File" dropdown menu in the top left corner. This should write a new folder with the server executable in it. Try to connect to TES normally first, then failing that try to connect by running the executable in PuTTY and then connecting through TES.

    Failing all of that, your best bet is a clean build of everything. New SDK, new TES and new SD card image. Before trying any of this be certain to have backed up any essential filesI do apologize that this debug guide is convoluted, long and not really certain of itself, however this particular issue is not always an easy one to fix. Sometimes just reinstalling TES will fix everything and there'll be no need for the long and difficult debug process. Other times you'll be deleting and reinstalling things for a long time and then it'll work with no explanation.

    The Documents Tab for this forum has a guide for reimaging the SD card, do give it a look also if you run into a lot of issues. Do also let me know if there's more questions I can answer.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Oisin,

    Please see the photo below, it's used the "for ADRV9001 TES software R0.1 2020.07" SD Card, from the purchase box.

    When run the "Adrv9001Server_B0_29.2.0" file, it's still not connect to the TES.

    If Used the Website download "" image,

    "Failed to start load kernel modules " Error message will still appear, try using TES to perform a "Force System Update", the folder and Adrv9001Server_B0_29.2.0 file finally appeared.

    But run the "Adrv9001Server_B0_29.2.0" file, show below

    I still can not connect to TES.

  • Hi Again,

    I've had a chat with the team for more solutions to this issue. The next things to check are the firewall and the server. Make certain there's nothing on your laptop / pc that's interfering with traffic over the ethernet port. If there is you'll need to find a way to disable it and allow ethernet traffic.

    Then to check the server, use PuTTY to perform the following commands:

    "ps -x | grep server" -> To locate the PID of the Server. It should also confirm if the server is running at all. If it is not running, try to start it again.

    "kill -9 <PID of server>" -> If the server is running, use this command to kill it and try running it again.

    Do let me know if any of this works.

    Best Regards,
