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ad9371 ORX noise raised at frequency edges

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ad9371


ad9371 orx IQrate 245.76MHz, bandwidth 200MHz, 

Using the following Orx filter config generated by ad9371 filter wizard 


<filter FIR gain=6 num=24>

But the received orx signal has raised noise at frequency edge.

if i turn off the signal, the noise looks not flat,check the red curve in following figure.

I try some dec5 filter coefs, no big change. 


Parents Reply Children
  • Dear Srimoyi,

    I follow your suggestion. But the noise does not change its shape!! The setting c file is attached, can you please check it? Thanks!!!

     * \brief Contains init setting structure declarations for the _instance API
     * The top level structure mykonosDevice_t mykDevice uses keyword
     * extern to allow the application layer main() to have visibility
     * to these settings.
     * All data structures required for operation have been initialized with values which reflect these settings:
     * Device Clock:
     * Cus 122.88Mhz
     * Profiles:
     * Cus RX 100MHz, Iqrate 153.6MSPS, DEC5
     * Cus TX 100/240MHz, Iqrate 307.2MSPS, DEC5
     * Cus ORX 240MHz, Iqrate 307.2MSPS, DEC5
     * Cus SNIFFER 20MHz, Iqrate 38.4MSPS, DEC5
      \page Disclaimer Legal Disclaimer
      Copyright 2015-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
      Released under the AD9371 API license, for more information see the "LICENSE.txt" file in this zip file.
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include "t_mykonos.h"
    #include "t_mykonos_gpio.h"
    #include "myk.h"
    static int16_t txFirCoefs[] = {-114,-219,285,-327,113,924,-3732,22090,-3732,924,113,-327,285,-219,-114,0};
    static mykonosFir_t txFir =
        6,              /* Filter gain in dB*/
        16,             /* Number of coefficients in the FIR filter*/
        &txFirCoefs[0]  /* A pointer to an array of filter coefficients*/
    static int16_t rxFirCoefs[] = {1,-1,-1,3,-2,-11,17,33,-64,-83,175,193,-399,-414,801,831,-1477,-1589,2632,3042,-5102,-7664,9765,32678,32678,9765,-7664,-5102,3042,2632,-1589,-1477,831,801,-414,-399,193,175,-83,-64,33,17,-11,-2,3,-1,-1,1};
    static mykonosFir_t rxFir =
        -6,             /* Filter gain in dB*/
        48,             /* Number of coefficients in the FIR filter*/
        &rxFirCoefs[0]  /* A pointer to an array of filter coefficients*/
    static int16_t obsrxFirCoefs[] = {56,295,-178,102,45,-245,432,-436,-329,1314,-4516,24112,-4516,1314,-329,-436,432,-245,45,102,-178,295,56,0};
    static mykonosFir_t obsrxFir =
        6,              /* Filter gain in dB*/
        24,             /* Number of coefficients in the FIR filter*/
        &obsrxFirCoefs[0]/* A pointer to an array of filter coefficients*/
    static int16_t snifferFirCoefs[] = {-2,-2,-1,6,14,14,-5,-36,-58,-37,36,127,158,62,-146,-336,-328,-32,428,726,537,-181,-1036,-1364,-688,821,2242,2378,597,-2473,-4971,-4698,-454,6982,14933,20053,20053,14933,6982,-454,-4698,-4971,-2473,597,2378,2242,821,-688,-1364,-1036,-181,537,726,428,-32,-328,-336,-146,62,158,127,36,-37,-58,-36,-5,14,14,6,-1,-2,-2};
    static mykonosFir_t snifferRxFir=
        -6,             /* Filter gain in dB*/
        72,             /* Number of coefficients in the FIR filter*/
        &snifferFirCoefs[0]/* A pointer to an array of filter coefficients*/
    static mykonosJesd204bFramerConfig_t rxFramer =
        0,              /* JESD204B Configuration Bank ID -extension to Device ID (Valid 0..15)*/
        0,              /* JESD204B Configuration Device ID - link identification number. (Valid 0..255)*/
        0,              /* JESD204B Configuration starting Lane ID.  If more than one lane used, each lane will increment from the Lane0 ID. (Valid 0..31)*/
        4,              /* number of ADCs (0, 2, or 4) - 2 ADCs per receive chain*/
        32,             /* number of frames in a multiframe (default=32), F*K must be a multiple of 4. (F=2*M/numberOfLanes)*/
        1,              /* scrambling off if framerScramble= 0, if framerScramble>0 scramble is enabled.*/
        1,              /* 0=use internal SYSREF, 1= use external SYSREF*/
        0x03,           /* serializerLanesEnabled - bit per lane, [0] = Lane0 enabled, [1] = Lane1 enabled*/
        0xE4,           /* serializerLaneCrossbar*/
        22,             /* serializerAmplitude - default 22 (valid (0-31)*/
        4,              /* preEmphasis - < default 4 (valid 0 - 7)*/
        0,              /* invertLanePolarity - default 0 ([0] will invert lane [0], bit1 will invert lane1)*/
        0,              /* lmfcOffset - LMFC_Offset offset value for deterministic latency setting*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if SYSREF on relink should be set. Where, if > 0 = set, 0 = not set*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if auto channel select for the xbar should be set. Where, if > 0 = set, '0' = not set*/
        0,              /* Selects SYNCb input source. Where, 0 = use RXSYNCB for this framer, 1 = use OBSRX_SYNCB for this framer*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if CMOS mode for RX Sync signal is used. Where, if > 0 = CMOS, '0' = LVDS*/
        0,              /* Selects framer bit repeat or oversampling mode for lane rate matching. Where, 0 = bitRepeat mode (changes effective lanerate), 1 = overSample (maintains same lane rate between ObsRx framer and Rx framer and oversamples the ADC samples)*/
        0               /* Flag for determining if API will calculate the appropriate settings for framer lane outputs to physical lanes. Where, if '0' = API will set automatic lane crossbar, '1' = set to manual mode and the value in serializerLaneCrossbar will be used*/
    static mykonosJesd204bFramerConfig_t obsRxFramer =
        0,              /* JESD204B Configuration Bank ID -extension to Device ID (Valid 0..15)*/
        0,              /* JESD204B Configuration Device ID - link identification number. (Valid 0..255)*/
        0,              /* JESD204B Configuration starting Lane ID.  If more than one lane used, each lane will increment from the Lane0 ID. (Valid 0..31)*/
        2,              /* number of ADCs (0, 2, or 4) - 2 ADCs per receive chain*/
        32,             /* number of frames in a multiframe (default=32), F*K must be a multiple of 4. (F=2*M/numberOfLanes)*/
        1,              /* scrambling off if framerScramble= 0, if framerScramble>0 scramble is enabled.*/
        1,              /* 0=use internal SYSREF, 1= use external SYSREF*/
        0x0C,           /* serializerLanesEnabled - bit per lane, [0] = Lane0 enabled, [1] = Lane1 enabled*/
        0xE4,           /* Lane crossbar to map framer lane outputs to physical lanes*/
        22,             /* serializerAmplitude - default 22 (valid (0-31)*/
        4,              /* preEmphasis - < default 4 (valid 0 - 7)*/
        0,              /* invertLanePolarity - default 0 ([0] will invert lane [0], bit1 will invert lane1)*/
        0,              /* lmfcOffset - LMFC_Offset offset value for deterministic latency setting*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if SYSREF on relink should be set. Where, if > 0 = set, 0 = not set*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if auto channel select for the xbar should be set. Where, if > 0 = set, '0' = not set*/
        1,              /* Selects SYNCb input source. Where, 0 = use RXSYNCB for this framer, 1 = use OBSRX_SYNCB for this framer*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if CMOS mode for RX Sync signal is used. Where, if > 0 = CMOS, '0' = LVDS*/
        1,              /* Selects framer bit repeat or oversampling mode for lane rate matching. Where, 0 = bitRepeat mode (changes effective lanerate), 1 = overSample (maintains same lane rate between ObsRx framer and Rx framer and oversamples the ADC samples)*/
        0               /* Flag for determining if API will calculate the appropriate settings for framer lane outputs to physical lanes. Where, if '0' = API will set automatic lane crossbar, '1' = set to manual mode and the value in serializerLaneCrossbar will be used*/
    static mykonosJesd204bDeframerConfig_t deframer =
        0,              /* bankId extension to Device ID (Valid 0..15)*/
        0,              /* deviceId  link identification number. (Valid 0..255)*/
        0,              /* lane0Id Lane0 ID. (Valid 0..31)*/
        4,              /* M  number of DACss (0, 2, or 4) - 2 DACs per transmit chain */
        32,             /* K  #frames in a multiframe (default=32), F*K=multiple of 4. (F=2*M/numberOfLanes)*/
        1,              /* scramble  scrambling off if scramble= 0.*/
        1,              /* External SYSREF select. 0 = use internal SYSREF, 1 = external SYSREF*/
        0x0F,           /* Deserializer lane select bit field. Where, [0] = Lane0 enabled, [1] = Lane1 enabled, etc */
        0xE4,           /* Lane crossbar to map physical lanes to deframer lane inputs [1:0] = Deframer Input 0 Lane section, [3:2] = Deframer Input 1 lane select, etc */
        1,              /* Equalizer setting. Applied to all deserializer lanes. Range is 0..4*/
        0,              /* PN inversion per each lane.  bit[0] = 1 Invert PN of Lane 0, bit[1] = Invert PN of Lane 1, etc).*/
        0,              /* LMFC_Offset offset value to adjust deterministic latency. Range is 0..31*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if SYSREF on relink should be set. Where, if > 0 = set, '0' = not set*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if auto channel select for the xbar should be set. Where, if > 0 = set, '0' = not set*/
        0,              /* Flag for determining if CMOS mode for TX Sync signal is used. Where, if > 0 = CMOS, '0' = LVDS*/
        0               /* Flag for determining if API will calculate the appropriate settings for deframer lane in to physical lanes. Where, if '0' = API will set automatic lane crossbar, '1' = set to manual mode and the value in deserializerLaneCrossbar will be used*/
    static mykonosRxGainControl_t rxGainControl =
        MGC,            /* Current Rx gain control mode setting*/
        255,            /* Rx1 Gain Index, can be used in different ways for manual and AGC gain control*/
        255,            /* Rx2 Gain Index, can be used in different ways for manual and AGC gain control*/
        255,            /* Max gain index for the currently loaded Rx1 Gain table*/
        195,            /* Min gain index for the currently loaded Rx1 Gain table*/
        255,            /* Max gain index for the currently loaded Rx2 Gain table*/
        195,            /* Min gain index for the currently loaded Rx2 Gain table*/
        0,              /* Stores Rx1 RSSI value read back from the Mykonos*/
        0               /* Stores Rx2 RSSI value read back from the Mykonos*/
    static mykonosORxGainControl_t orxGainControl =
        MGC,            /* Current ORx gain control mode setting*/
        255,            /* ORx1 Gain Index, can be used in different ways for manual and AGC gain control*/
        255,            /* ORx2 Gain Index, can be used in different ways for manual and AGC gain control*/
        255,            /* Max gain index for the currently loaded ORx Gain table*/
        237             /* Min gain index for the currently loaded ORx Gain table*/
    static mykonosSnifferGainControl_t snifferGainControl =
        MGC,            /* Current Sniffer gain control mode setting*/
        255,            /* Current Sniffer gain index. Can be used differently for MANUAL Gain control/AGC*/
        255,            /* Max gain index for the currently loaded Sniffer Gain table*/
        203             /* Min gain index for the currently loaded Sniffer Gain table*/
    static mykonosPeakDetAgcCfg_t rxPeakAgc =
        0x1A,	/* apdHighThresh: */
        0x10,	/* apdLowThresh */
        0xB5,	/* hb2HighThresh */
        0x48,	/* hb2LowThresh */
        0x28,	/* hb2VeryLowThresh */
        0x06,	/* apdHighThreshExceededCnt */
        0x04,	/* apdLowThreshExceededCnt */
        0x06,	/* hb2HighThreshExceededCnt */
        0x04,	/* hb2LowThreshExceededCnt */
        0x04,	/* hb2VeryLowThreshExceededCnt */
        0x4,	/* apdHighGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* apdLowGainStepRecovery */
        0x4,	/* hb2HighGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* hb2LowGainStepRecovery */
        0x4,	/* hb2VeryLowGainStepRecovery */
        0x1,	/* apdFastAttack */
        0x1,	/* hb2FastAttack */
        0x1,	/* hb2OverloadDetectEnable */
        0x1,	/* hb2OverloadDurationCnt */
        0x1	/* hb2OverloadThreshCnt */
    static mykonosPowerMeasAgcCfg_t rxPwrAgc =
        0x01,	/* pmdUpperHighThresh */
        0x03,	/* pmdUpperLowThresh */
        0x0C,	/* pmdLowerHighThresh */
        0x00,	/* pmdLowerLowThresh */
        0x4,	/* pmdUpperHighGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* pmdUpperLowGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* pmdLowerHighGainStepRecovery */
        0x4,	/* pmdLowerLowGainStepRecovery */
        0x08,	/* pmdMeasDuration */
        0x02	/* pmdMeasConfig */
    static mykonosAgcCfg_t rxAgcConfig =
        255,	/* agcRx1MaxGainIndex */
        195,	/* agcRx1MinGainIndex */
        255,	/* agcRx2MaxGainIndex */
        195,	/* agcRx2MinGainIndex: */
        255,	/* agcObsRxMaxGainIndex */
        203,	/* agcObsRxMinGainIndex */
        1,		/* agcObsRxSelect */
        1,		/* agcPeakThresholdMode */
        1,		/* agcLowThsPreventGainIncrease */
        30720,	/* agcGainUpdateCounter */
        4,	/* agcSlowLoopSettlingDelay */
        2,	/* agcPeakWaitTime */
        1,	/* agcResetOnRxEnable */
        0,	/* agcEnableSyncPulseForGainCounter */
    static mykonosPeakDetAgcCfg_t obsRxPeakAgc =
        0x1A,	/* apdHighThresh: */
        0x10,	/* apdLowThresh */
        0xB5,	/* hb2HighThresh */
        0x48,	/* hb2LowThresh */
        0x28,	/* hb2VeryLowThresh */
        0x06,	/* apdHighThreshExceededCnt */
        0x04,	/* apdLowThreshExceededCnt */
        0x06,	/* hb2HighThreshExceededCnt */
        0x04,	/* hb2LowThreshExceededCnt */
        0x04,	/* hb2VeryLowThreshExceededCnt */
        0x4,	/* apdHighGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* apdLowGainStepRecovery */
        0x4,	/* hb2HighGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* hb2LowGainStepRecovery */
        0x4,	/* hb2VeryLowGainStepRecovery */
        0x1,	/* apdFastAttack */
        0x1,	/* hb2FastAttack */
        0x1,	/* hb2OverloadDetectEnable */
        0x1,	/* hb2OverloadDurationCnt */
        0x1		/* hb2OverloadThreshCnt */
    static mykonosPowerMeasAgcCfg_t obsRxPwrAgc =
        0x01,	/* pmdUpperHighThresh */
        0x03,	/* pmdUpperLowThresh */
        0x0C,	/* pmdLowerHighThresh */
        0x00,	/* pmdLowerLowThresh */
        0x4,	/* pmdUpperHighGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* pmdUpperLowGainStepAttack */
        0x2,	/* pmdLowerHighGainStepRecovery */
        0x4,	/* pmdLowerLowGainStepRecovery */
        0x08,	/* pmdMeasDuration */
        0x02	/* pmdMeasConfig */
    static mykonosAgcCfg_t obsRxAgcConfig =
        255,	/* agcRx1MaxGainIndex */
        195,	/* agcRx1MinGainIndex */
        255,	/* agcRx2MaxGainIndex */
        195,	/* agcRx2MinGainIndex: */
        255,	/* agcObsRxMaxGainIndex */
        203,	/* agcObsRxMinGainIndex */
        1,		/* agcObsRxSelect */
        1,		/* agcPeakThresholdMode */
        1,		/* agcLowThsPreventGainIncrease */
    	30720,	/* agcGainUpdateCounter */
        4,		/* agcSlowLoopSettlingDelay */
        2,		/* agcPeakWaitTime */
        1,		/* agcResetOnRxEnable */
        0,		/* agcEnableSyncPulseForGainCounter */
    static uint16_t rxAdcCustom[]={450,297,193,98,1280,328,1550,171,1586,79,1006,33,48,48,29,184};
    static mykonosRxProfile_t rxProfile =
    {/* RX 100MHz, Iqrate 153.6MSPS, DEC5 */
        1,              /* The divider used to generate the ADC clock*/
        &rxFir,         /* Pointer to Rx FIR filter structure*/
        2,              /* Rx FIR decimation (1,2,4)*/
        5,              /* Decimation of Dec5 or Dec4 filter (5,4)*/
        1,              /* If set, and DEC5 filter used, will use a higher rejection DEC5 FIR filter (1=Enabled, 0=Disabled)*/
        1,              /* RX Half band 1 decimation (1 or 2)*/
        153600,         /* Rx IQ data rate in kHz*/
        100000000,      /* The Rx RF passband bandwidth for the profile*/
        100000,         /* Rx BBF 3dB corner in kHz*/
        &rxAdcCustom[0] /* pointer to custom ADC profile*/
    static uint16_t orxAdcCustom[]={366,301,178,98,1280,686,1755,818,1638,742,1056,22,45,41,31,196};
    static mykonosRxProfile_t orxProfile =
    {/* ORX 240MHz, Iqrate 307.2MSPS, DEC5 */
        1,              /* The divider used to generate the ADC clock*/
        &obsrxFir,      /* Pointer to Rx FIR filter structure or NULL*/
        1,              /* Rx FIR decimation (1,2,4)*/
        5,              /* Decimation of Dec5 or Dec4 filter (5,4)*/
        0,              /* If set, and DEC5 filter used, will use a higher rejection DEC5 FIR filter (1=Enabled, 0=Disabled)*/
        1,              /* RX Half band 1 decimation (1 or 2)*/
        307200,         /* Rx IQ data rate in kHz*/
        240000000,      /* The Rx RF passband bandwidth for the profile*/
        100000,         /* Rx BBF 3dB corner in kHz*/
        &orxAdcCustom[0]            /* pointer to custom ADC profile*/
    static uint16_t snifferAdcCustom[]={479,285,190,98,1280,112,1505,53,1574,25,1026,40,48,48,29,186};
    static mykonosRxProfile_t snifferProfile =
    { /* SNIFFER 20MHz, Iqrate 38.4MSPS, DEC5 */
        1,              /* The divider used to generate the ADC clock*/
        &snifferRxFir,  /* Pointer to Rx FIR filter structure or NULL*/
        4,              /* Rx FIR decimation (1,2,4)*/
        5,              /* Decimation of Dec5 or Dec4 filter (5,4)*/
        0,              /* If set, and DEC5 filter used, will use a higher rejection DEC5 FIR filter (1=Enabled, 0=Disabled)*/
        2,              /* RX Half band 1 decimation (1 or 2)*/
        38400,          /* Rx IQ data rate in kHz*/
        20000000,       /* The Rx RF passband bandwidth for the profile*/
        20000,          /* Rx BBF 3dB corner in kHz*/
        &snifferAdcCustom[0] /* pointer to custom ADC profile*/
    static mykonosTxProfile_t txProfile =
    { /* TX 100/240MHz, Iqrate 307.2MSPS, DEC5 */
        DACDIV_2p5,     /* The divider used to generate the DAC clock*/
        &txFir,         /* Pointer to Tx FIR filter structure*/
        1,              /* The Tx digital FIR filter interpolation (1,2,4)*/
        2,              /* Tx Halfband1 filter interpolation (1,2)*/
        1,              /* Tx Halfband2 filter interpolation (1,2)*/
        1,              /* TxInputHbInterpolation (1,2)*/
        307200,         /* Tx IQ data rate in kHz*/
        100000000,      /* Primary Signal BW*/
        240000000,      /* The Tx RF passband bandwidth for the profile*/
        187000,         /* The DAC filter 3dB corner in kHz*/
        120000,         /* Tx BBF 3dB corner in kHz*/
        0               /* Enable DPD, only valid for AD9373*/
    static mykonosDigClocks_t mykonosClocks =
        122880,         /* CLKPLL and device reference clock frequency in kHz*/
        12288000,        /* CLKPLL VCO frequency in kHz*/
        VCODIV_2,       /* CLKPLL VCO divider*/
        4               /* CLKPLL high speed clock divider*/
    	//122880,         /* CLKPLL and device reference clock frequency in kHz*/
    	//6144000,        /* CLKPLL VCO frequency in kHz*/
    	//VCODIV_1,       /* CLKPLL VCO divider*/
    	//4               /* CLKPLL high speed clock divider*/
    static mykonosRxSettings_t  rxSettings =
        &rxProfile,     /* Rx datapath profile, 3dB corner frequencies, and digital filter enables*/
        &rxFramer,      /* Rx JESD204b framer configuration structure*/
        &rxGainControl, /* Rx Gain control settings structure*/
        &rxAgcConfig,   /* Rx AGC control settings structure*/
        3,              /* The desired Rx Channels to enable during initialization*/
        0,              /* Internal LO = 0, external LO*2 = 1*/
        2550000000U,    /* Rx PLL LO Frequency (internal or external LO)*/
        0               /* Flag to choose if complex baseband or real IF data are selected for Rx and ObsRx paths. Where, if > 0 = real IF data, '0' = zero IF (IQ) data*/
    static mykonosDpdConfig_t dpdConfig =
        5,              /* 1/2^(damping + 8) fraction of power `forgotten' per sample (default: `1/8192' = 5, valid 0 to 15), 0 = infinite damping*/
        1,              /* number of weights to use for int8_cpx weights weights member of this structure (default = 1)*/
        2,              /* DPD model version: one of four different generalized polynomial models: 0 = same as R0 silicon, 1-3 are new and the best one depends on the PA (default: 2)*/
        1,              /* 1 = Update saved model whenever peak Tx digital RMS is within 1dB of historical peak Tx RMS*/
        20,             /* Determines how much weight the loaded prior model has on DPD modeling (Valid 0 - 32, default 20)*/
        0,              /* Default off = 0, 1=enables automatic outlier removal during DPD modeling */
        512,            /* Number of samples to capture (default: 512, valid 64-32768)*/
        4096,           /* threshold for sample in AM-AM plot outside of 1:1 line to be thrown out. (default: 50% = 8192/2, valid 8192 to 1)*/
        0,              /* 16th of an ORx sample (16=1sample), (default 0, valid -64 to 64)*/
        255,            /* Default 255 (-30dBFs=(20Log10(value/8192)), (valid range  1 to 8191)*/
        {{64,0},{0,0},{0,0}}/* DPD model error weighting (real/imag valid from -128 to 127)*/
    static mykonosClgcConfig_t clgcConfig =
        -2000,          /* (value = 100 * dB (valid range -32768 to 32767) - total gain and attenuation from Mykonos Tx1 output to ORx1 input in (dB * 100)*/
        -2000,          /* (value = 100 * dB (valid range -32768 to 32767) - total gain and attenuation from Mykonos Tx2 output to ORx2 input in (dB * 100)*/
        0,              /* (valid range 0 - 40dB), no default, depends on PA, Protects PA by making sure Tx1Atten is not reduced below the limit*/
        0,              /* (valid range 0 - 40dB), no default, depends on PA, Protects PA by making sure Tx2Atten is not reduced below the limit*/
        75,             /* valid range 1-100, default 75*/
        75,             /* valid range 1-100, default 45*/
        0,              /* 0= allow CLGC to run, but Tx1Atten will not be updated. User can still read back power measurements.  1=CLGC runs, and Tx1Atten automatically updated*/
        0,              /* 0= allow CLGC to run, but Tx2Atten will not be updated. User can still read back power measurements.  1=CLGC runs, and Tx2Atten automatically updated*/
        0,              /* 16th of an ORx sample (16=1sample), (default 0, valid -64 to 64)*/
        255,            /* Default 255 (-30dBFs=(20Log10(value/8192)), (valid range  1 to 8191)*/
        600,            /* Threshold for Tx1 in order to stop tracking, value = 100 * dB, default 6db then value = 600*/
        600,            /* Threshold for Tx2 in order to stop tracking, value = 100 * dB, default 6db then value = 600*/
        0,              /* Threshold feature enable for Tx1, 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0*/
        0               /* Threshold feature enable for Tx1, 0 = disable, 1 = enable, default = 0*/
    static mykonosVswrConfig_t vswrConfig =
        0,              /* 16th of an ORx sample (16=1sample), (default 0, valid -64 to 64)*/
        255,            /* Default 255 (-30dBFs=(20Log10(value/8192)), (valid range  1 to 8191)*/
        0,              /* 3p3V GPIO pin to use to control VSWR switch for Tx1 (valid 0-11) (output from Mykonos)*/
        1,              /* 3p3V GPIO pin to use to control VSWR switch for Tx2 (valid 0-11) (output from Mykonos)*/
        0,              /* 3p3v GPIO pin polarity for forward path of Tx1, opposite used for reflection path (1 = high level, 0 = low level)*/
        0,              /* 3p3v GPIO pin polarity for forward path of Tx2, opposite used for reflection path (1 = high level, 0 = low level)*/
        50,             /* Delay for Tx1 after flipping the VSWR switch until measurement is made. In us resolution*/
        50              /* Delay for Tx2 after flipping the VSWR switch until measurement is made. In us resolution*/
    static mykonosTxSettings_t txSettings =
        &txProfile,     /* Tx datapath profile, 3dB corner frequencies, and digital filter enables*/
        &deframer,      /* Mykonos JESD204b deframer config for the Tx data path*/
        TX1_TX2,        /* The desired Tx channels to enable during initialization*/
        0,              /* Internal LO=0, external LO*2 if =1*/
        2500000000U,    /* Tx PLL LO frequency (internal or external LO)*/
        TXATTEN_0P05_DB,/* Initial and current Tx1 Attenuation*/
        10000,          /* Initial and current Tx1 Attenuation mdB*/
        10000,          /* Initial and current Tx2 Attenuation mdB*/
        NULL,           /* DPD,CLGC,VSWR settings. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
        NULL,           /* CLGC Config Structure. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
        NULL            /* VSWR Config Structure. Only valid for AD9373 device, set pointer to NULL otherwise*/
    static uint16_t lpbkAdcCustom[]={450,297,193,98,1280,328,1550,171,1586,79,1006,33,48,48,29,184};
    static mykonosObsRxSettings_t obsRxSettings =
        &orxProfile,    /* ORx datapath profile, 3dB corner frequencies, and digital filter enables*/
        &orxGainControl,/* ObsRx gain control settings structure*/
        &obsRxAgcConfig,/* ORx AGC control settings structure*/
        &snifferProfile,/* Sniffer datapath profile, 3dB corner frequencies, and digital filter enables*/
        &snifferGainControl,/* SnRx gain control settings structure*/
        &obsRxFramer,   /* ObsRx JESD204b framer configuration structure */
        (MYK_ORX1_ORX2 | MYK_SNRXA_B_C),/* obsRxChannel */
        OBSLO_TX_PLL,   /* (obsRxLoSource) The Obs Rx mixer can use the Tx Synth(TX_PLL) or Sniffer Synth (SNIFFER_PLL) */
        2600000000U,    /* SnRx PLL LO frequency in Hz */
        0,              /* Flag to choose if complex baseband or real IF data are selected for Rx and ObsRx paths. Where if > 0 = real IF data, '0' = complex data*/
        &lpbkAdcCustom[0],/* Custom Loopback ADC profile to set the bandwidth of the ADC response*/
        OBS_RX1_TXLO       /* Default ObsRx channel to enter when radioOn called */
    static mykonosArmGpioConfig_t armGpio =
      #if 0
        0,	// useRx2EnablePin; /*!< 0= RX1_ENABLE controls RX1 and RX2, 1 = separate RX1_ENABLE/RX2_ENABLE pins */
        0,	// useTx2EnablePin; /*!< 0= TX1_ENABLE controls TX1 and TX2, 1 = separate TX1_ENABLE/TX2_ENABLE pins */
        0,	// txRxPinMode;     /*!< 0= ARM command mode, 1 = Pin mode to power up Tx/Rx chains */
        0,	// orxPinMode;      /*!< 0= ARM command mode, 1 = Pin mode to power up ObsRx receiver*/
        1,	// useRx2EnablePin; /*!< 0= RX1_ENABLE controls RX1 and RX2, 1 = separate RX1_ENABLE/RX2_ENABLE pins */
        1,	// useTx2EnablePin; /*!< 0= TX1_ENABLE controls TX1 and TX2, 1 = separate TX1_ENABLE/TX2_ENABLE pins */
        1,  // pinmode for tx/rx chain
        0,  // cmd mode for orx chain
        /*Mykonos ARM input GPIO pins -- Only valid if orxPinMode = 1 */
        0,	// orxTriggerPin; /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (valid 4-15) */
        0,	// orxMode2Pin;   /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (valid 0-18) */
        0,	// orxMode1Pin;   /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (valid 0-18) */
        0,	// orxMode0Pin;   /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (valid 0-18) */
        /* Mykonos ARM output GPIO pins  --  always available, even when pin mode not enabled*/
        0,	// rx1EnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0,	// rx2EnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0,	// tx1EnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0,	// tx2EnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0,	// orx1EnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0,	// orx2EnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0,	// srxEnableAck;  /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        0 	// txObsSelect;   /*!< Select desired GPIO pin (0-15), [4] = Output Enable */
        /* When 2Tx are used with only 1 ORx input, this GPIO tells the BBIC which Tx channel is   */
        /* active for calibrations, so BBIC can route correct RF Tx path into the single ORx input*/
    static mykonosGpio3v3_t gpio3v3 =
        0,				/*!< Oe per pin, 1=output, 0 = input */
        GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE,	/*!< Mode for GPIO3V3[3:0] */
        GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE,	/*!< Mode for GPIO3V3[7:4] */
        GPIO3V3_BITBANG_MODE,	/*!< Mode for GPIO3V3[11:8] */
    static mykonosGpioLowVoltage_t gpio =
        0,/* Oe per pin, 1=output, 0 = input */
        GPIO_MONITOR_MODE,/* Mode for GPIO[3:0] */
        GPIO_MONITOR_MODE,/* Mode for GPIO[7:4] */
        GPIO_MONITOR_MODE,/* Mode for GPIO[11:8] */
        GPIO_MONITOR_MODE,/* Mode for GPIO[15:12] */
        GPIO_MONITOR_MODE,/* Mode for GPIO[18:16] */
    static mykonosAuxIo_t mykonosAuxIo =
        0,	//auxDacEnableMask uint16_t
        {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},	 //AuxDacValue uint16[10]
        {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},	 //AuxDacSlope uint8[10]
        {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},	 //AuxDacVref uint8[10]
        &gpio3v3,	//pointer to gpio3v3 struct
        &gpio,	//pointer to gpio1v8 struct
    static spiSettings_t mykSpiSettings =
        2, /* chip select index - valid 1~8 */
        0, /* the level of the write bit of a SPI write instruction word, value is inverted for SPI read operation */
        1, /* 1 = 16-bit instruction word, 0 = 8-bit instruction word */
        1, /* 1 = MSBFirst, 0 = LSBFirst */
        0, /* clock phase, sets which clock edge the data updates (valid 0 or 1) */
        0, /* clock polarity 0 = clock starts low, 1 = clock starts high */
        0, /* Not implemented in ADIs platform layer. SW feature to improve SPI throughput */
        1, /* Not implemented in ADIs platform layer. For SPI Streaming, set address increment direction. 1= next addr = addr+1, 0:addr=addr-1 */
        1  /* 1: Use 4-wire SPI, 0: 3-wire SPI (SDIO pin is bidirectional). NOTE: ADI's FPGA platform always uses 4-wire mode */
    static mykonosTempSensorConfig_t tempSensor =
        7,              /* 3-bit value that controls the AuxADC decimation factor when used for temp sensor calculations; AuxADC_decimation = 256 * 2^tempDecimation*/
        67,             /* 8-bit offset that gets added to temp sensor code internally*/
        1,              /* this bit overrides the factory-calibrated fuse offset and uses the value stored in the offset member*/
        15,             /* 4-bit code with a resolution of 1掳C/LSB, each time a temperature measurement is performed, the device compares the current temperature against the previous value.*/
    static mykonosTempSensorStatus_t tempStatus =
        0,              /* 16-bit signed temperature value (in deg C) that is read back*/
        0,              /* If the absolute value of the difference is greater than the value in temperature configuration tempWindow, the windowExceeded flag is set.*/
        0,              /* when windowExceeded member gets set, this bit is set to 1 if current value is greater than previous value, else reset*/
        0,              /* when the reading is complete and a valid temperature value stored in tempCode.*/
    mykonosDevice_t mykDevice =
        &mykSpiSettings,    /* SPI settings data structure pointer */
        &rxSettings,        /* Rx settings data structure pointer */
        &txSettings,        /* Tx settings data structure pointer */
        &obsRxSettings,     /* ObsRx settings data structure pointer */
        &mykonosAuxIo,          /* Auxiliary IO settings data structure pointer */
        &mykonosClocks,     /* Holds settings for CLKPLL and reference clock */
        0                   /* Mykonos initialize function uses this as an output to remember which profile data structure pointers are valid */