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How to config DPD on AD9375?


I use default DPDconfig to configure DPD on my custom board:

static mykonosDpdConfig_t dpdConfig =
    10,              /* 1/2^(damping + 8) fraction of power `forgotten' per sample (default: `1/8192' = 5, valid 0 to 15), 0 = infinite damping*/
    1,              /* number of weights to use for int8_cpx weights weights member of this structure (default = 1)*/
    2,              /* DPD model version: one of four different generalized polynomial models: 0 = same as R0 silicon, 1-3 are new and the best one depends on the PA (default: 2)*/
    1,              /* 1 = Update saved model whenever peak Tx digital RMS is within 1dB of historical peak Tx RMS*/
    20,             /* Determines how much weight the loaded prior model has on DPD modeling (Valid 0 - 32, default 20)*/
    0,              /* Default off = 0, 1=enables automatic outlier removal during DPD modeling */
    512,            /* Number of samples to capture (default: 512, valid 64-32768)*/
    4096,           /* threshold for sample in AM-AM plot outside of 1:1 line to be thrown out. (default: 50% = 8192/2, valid 8192 to 1)*/
    0,              /* 16th of an ORx sample (16=1sample), (default 0, valid -64 to 64)*/
    255,            /* Default 255 (-30dBFs=(20Log10(value/8192)), (valid range  1 to 8191)*/
    {{64,0},{0,0},{0,0}}/* DPD model error weighting (real/imag valid from -128 to 127)*/

My system have multi mode BPSK, QPSK, QUAM16,QUAM64 with bandwidth 5MHz, 10MHz, 20Mhz. 

I have feedback Tx2 signal into ORX2 with power -24dbm and configure dpd follow ug992. But i don't see any different between have setup DPD and no have DPD.

Here is status that I read using MYKONOS_getDpdStatus:

 dpdStatus.dpdErrorStatus = 0,

dpdStatus.dpdExtPathDelay = 0x73B ,

dpdStatus.dpdIterCount = 0,

dpdStatus.dpdMaxAdaptation = 0,

dpdStatus.dpdModelErrorPercent = 1000,

dpdStatus.dpdTrackCount = 0

Can you suggest for me how to solve? Thanks. This is my output from tx:

dpdStatus.dpdErrorStatus = 0, dpdStatus.dpdExtPathDelay = 0x73B , dpdStatus.dpdIterCount = 0, dpdStatus.dpdMaxAdaptation = 0, dpdStatus.dpdModelErrorPercent = 1000, dpdStatus.dpdTrackCount = 0
[edited by: sonminh at 2:00 AM (GMT 0) on 24 Apr 2020]