We are studying the AD9081-FMCA-EBZ evaluation board schematic and referred the design files available in the website.
We have found that the trace widths for the JESD, ADC signals and DAC signals are not as per the stack up available in the website
This is the Design_files_and_stack_up_link
Or please find the downloaded stack-up pdf below
Below image is from the stack-up provided in the website.
It has Designed line width and Plotted line width columns showing different trace widths. What is the purpose of these changes in the trace-widths?
We have checked the board-file available in the website and have the following observations:
1. The SERDIN and the SERDOUT signals from the AD9081 chip are being routed with 8.5 mils trace width and 12.5 mils spacing in the layer1(top) whereas the mentioned trace width is 4 mils and spacing is 5 mils for layer 1 in the stack-up
2. For the analog input signals(ADC0P, ADC0N; ADC1P,ADC1N;....etc) of AD9081, the trace width is 30 mils and 12.5 mils spacing in the board file in the layer1(top layer)
And it is observed that a 5 mil trace width (as highlighted in the below figure) is drawn first and over it a 30 mil trace width is drawn for analog input signals
3. The DACOUT signals (DAC0P, DAC0N) from the AD9081 are also having the trace-width of 30 mils and the corresponding single ended analog out of these signals are having a trace-width of 11 mils as shown in the following images.
4. Apart from these JESD, ADC input signals and DAC output signals, other single ended signals(50 ohm) are having trace width = 9.5 mils and differential signals(100 ohm) are having trace-width=4 mils and spacing=5mils as mentioned in the stack-up. The images for these are given below
Please tell what may be the reason for the above changes in trace-widths and spacing
Thank you