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Problem with 10MHz External Reference

We are seeing issues when using a 10MHz external reference for the AD9361, ... when using this reference frequency the BB PLL calibration times-out resulting in a fail.  We have checked the reference clock waveform into the chip and it is a 'Square' wave with a peak amplitude of ~1.1Vpp.


Previously we have used a 40MHz external reference with a similar waveform shape and amplitude and had no issues with calibration or operation.


As further investigation we checked a variety of Reference clock frequencies and found that we could pass the BB PLL calibration only if the reference input frequency was greater than ~13MHz. 


We noticed that there was a post on this forum from April 22, 2015, reporting similar issues, although there was no real resolution to the question posted at that time.  However, that poster made mention that he had better success if the 10MHz waveform was a sine wave, ... We also tried this option and also found that the BB PLL calibration passed if the 10MHz  was a sine wave instead of a square wave. 


Can you please provide some guidance?  Are there any special Clock or PLL settings that are required for a 10MHz reference signal?  Is there some limit to the harmonic content that must be observed for lower reference frequencies?


Thank You.

  • Yes we have pulled in the latest updates and applied the recommended settings that are referenced in that post, but are still unable to lock with an external 10MHz reference.  Actually from the series of exchanges in that post, it is not clear that the original poster's problem was ever resolved as the responses from user 'test1' indicate that they were still having issues as of early June. 

    I have seen mention of this issue frequently enough in this forum to surmise that this is a general issue either with the chip, the firmware or both. 

    We are looking for a clear explanation of what the fundamental issue is and how to make the system work with an external 10MHz reference.

  • Request being handled via direct field support.

  • if your field support was successful would you mind sharing any outcomes here?

  • There is no resolution yet for 10MHz square wave reference clock. You can use 10MHz sine wave reference clock which works fine. I don't know if that can be supported in your system.

  • I've been trying to use a 10 MHz sine wave reference clock and haven't been able to get it to work either. As far as I can tell I've followed all the instructions in the original thread (in which I'm a poster). I'd be interested in pursuing direct field support as well.



  • Hi Jeff;

    Unfortunately we have not come to a resolution on this issue yet and have not been able to get a 10MHz reference to work. 

    I had been following your thread as well and I think our experience and observations have been very similar to yours. We did have some limited success when we filtered the 10MHz square wave to look more like a sine wave, but do not consider this a viable solution for our application.  Based on our own tests and experiments we have been able to get the system to initialize and calibrate with reference frequencies down to about 13MHz, for frequencies lower than this the behavior becomes more sporadic and un-reliable. 

    We are continuing to work on this issue with ADI, but have developed a work-around plan for those cases where a 10MHz reference was planned.  If we do happen to final a solution to this issue, I'll post the results in this thread.


  • What options do I have for direct field support? I am under increasing pressure to get this issue resolved. We are still having the issue with a 10 MHz sine reference clock. Is there any expected difference in clock tolerance between the AD-FMCOMMS4 (AD9364 based) and AD9361 based boards?



  • Please contact you local ADI representative if you require additional support.

    The part in your application may have configuration issues in addition to reference clock input signal issue at 10MHz. Does your system operate fine with a higher input frequency reference input signal?

  • I've had no issues with calibration timeouts when using a 20 MHz reference clock with the same setup. The end application needs to operate solely off a 10 MHz frequency standard so this workaround is not usable long term. Anything else you can suggest that has not already been covered here would be greatly appreciated. I need a solution for a short term deliverable.

