TX Mon operation (continuous mode):
Can you confirm that TX Mon operation in continuous mode is as follows:
- TX Mon delay counter starts after ENSM enters TX state (given that level threshold is either set to 0 or has been met)
- after TX Mon delay counter expires the measurement duration starts
- at the end of TX Mon duration the measurement is done and the TX RSSI register gets updated
- also at the end of TX Mon duration the TX Mon delay counter starts again
- after the TX Mon delay counter expires again the measurement duration starts again
- at the end of TX Mon duration the measurement is done again and the TX RSSI register gets updated again
- all of this keeps repeating until the ENSM exits the TX state
The specific fact I am looking to get confirmed is that each measurement period comes with another delay instead of having the delay just once at the beginning and then just periods of duration.
So it looks like this:
| delay | duration | delay | duration | delay | duration |...
And NOT like this:
| delay | duration | duration | duration |...
TX Mon duration calculation:
The TX Mon Duration (register 0x06E bits 3:0) calculation is given in the datasheet as:
Duration (Tx Sample Cycles) = 16 x 2^(value)
However, a test setup I have that allows me to see when the TX RSSI register updates suggests that this formula is not correct. When modifying the formula to:
Duration (Tx Sample Cycles) = 2^(value) [removing the factor of 16] it seems that the math matches what I am observing on my test setup much more closely.
Is there a chance that the formula in the datasheet is wrong either in the way I laid out or in some other way?
As for additional background: I need tight control as to over what part of the ENSM TX state the measurement is done. Ideally I would like to operate in single shot mode instead of continuous mode. However since this is not officially supported I need to fully understand how the timing in continuous mode works in order to set up the measurement correctly.
Thank you for your help with this.