I am developing a SDR via SIMULINK, starting wiit the Tx.
The simulink models are fine, generate code and also work via the AD963x block to give an OFDM signal. I can download the HDL and verify that I see digital output on a Logic Analyser
I now need to cut loose from SIMULINK, Once I do this the AD9361 is transmits nothing - expected as there is no longer the SIMULINK block setting it up.
I have a script that reads the status of the ADI chip, it's ensm is in "alert" mode and it reports that both internal and external LOs are off.
So my question is basic.
Is the next step to create a Linux Script that intialises / sets up the ADI chip ?
If so, is there a good starting example to do this.
I'm worried that the device has to go through a calibration loop initially and hence jsut plodding through register settings won't work properly.
I have found an eclectic mix of scripts for ADI devices that cover numerous topics accross numerous devices, but I expected to find a few
starting scripts for the ADI9361.
I don't know how much set up is involved to get it to just transmit,, Do I just need to set frequencies, for the RF Output / LOs.
or do I need to define and load filters, switch them on etc and/or load define Gain tables or does the device have some defaults
to drive a signal out say at 2.4GHz, -10dB gain.
i.e. Is there a minimum few-line 'get started' script that will jsut turn on a single Tx channel and run the DAC to give some OP.
I'm then happy to add and refine a script to what I need.
I wrote a simple reporting script that I'm happy to 'donate' which seems to show status okay'.
I can't see why there can't be a pro-forma get-started Tx and get-started Rx script, where developers can just tweak some values....
Also, I take it that writing a Linux Script is the correct most simple next step. ( as opposed to a C applicaion say )
{ I am considering trying to drop my HDL-Coder generated .bitstream file into ADI's Linux,
which offers IIOscScope & plugins to allow AD936I GUI access, which may be an easier path }
Mike Brewin.
Many thanks for any replies.