In order to control the Rx Gain in very precise timing so i'd like to use RxGainPinControl function.
I have two question:
1. If the control and timing for all the four Rx Channel are the same, can i use only two GPIO PINs for all the four channels?
In that case, the dec pin configured for each of the four Rx channels will be same and same condition for inc pin:
Chan0: adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainIncPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_00, adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainDecPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_01
Chan1: adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainIncPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_00, adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainDecPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_01
Chan2: adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainIncPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_00, adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainDecPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_01
Chan3: adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainIncPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_00, adi_adrv9025_GpioPinSel_erxGainDecPin = ADI_ADRV9025_GPIO_01
while in hardware, we have GPIO_00 and 01 connected to GPIO of baseband processor.
Can we configure and connection like that?
2. Gain Step
The incStep and decStep ranges 0 to 7, so what's the exact value in dB as for the step setting?
3. Gain Inc and Dec
From the spec we can see that the gain is increased/decreased one step with a high pulse on dec/incPin.
So does it mean we can configure the base gain in SPI mode for each Rx Channel and then switch to PIN control mode with pulses.
Then the gain change on inc/decPin will be based on the gain value we set in SPI mode?
4. Gain value sync
rxGainPinControl mode is a no-status-feedback mode for baseband. After long time of running, i guess it'd be necessary for baseband to know the real gain value that is working.
Is there any method for baseband to get the gain status under PIN control mode? or, we'd have to switch back to SPI mode to get them?