Can someone please share matlab code to scale LTE ETM data (similar to TES GUI like -1dB,...-20dB backoff)??
Also would like to know, is there any recommended rms input power level for optimal performance of CFR IP.
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Can someone please share matlab code to scale LTE ETM data (similar to TES GUI like -1dB,...-20dB backoff)??
Also would like to know, is there any recommended rms input power level for optimal performance of CFR IP.
Hi Sumala,
Below is the MATLAB script for scaling. User can do scaling in the order of 3dB.
clear all; close all; clc; %pkg load signal Y = load('IFFT_Log50SF_IFFTOut_WaitingForIFFTComp_137000Ant3_out0.txt'); %Y = resample(Z,4,1); fs = 122.88e6; fax = linspace(-fs/2, fs/2, length(Y)); w = hann(length(Y)); cc = complex(Y(:,1), Y(:,2)); plot(fax*1e-6, 20*log10(fftshift(abs(fft(cc.*w))))); %Y=Z(1:307200); % FFT Plot fs = 122.88e6; fax = linspace(-fs/2, fs/2, length(Y)); %w = hann(length(Y)); %figure, plot(fax3*1e-6, 20*log10(fftshift(abs(fft(complex(xhb3(:,1),xhb3(:> %cc = complex(Y(:,1), Y(:,2)); %figure, plot(fax*1e-6, 20*log10(fftshift(abs(fft(cc.*w))))); Y_scaled = (2^1)*Y;%2^n,each bit carries 3dB variation. %F=load('cduc_60MHz_full.txt'); %Filtered_pre=filter(F,1,Y_scaled); %Filtered=Filtered_pre./2^3; w = hann(length(Y_scaled)); cc = complex(Y_scaled(:,1), Y_scaled(:,2)); plot(fax*1e-6, 20*log10(fftshift(abs(fft(cc.*w))))); dlmwrite('IFFT_Log50SF_IFFTOut_WaitingForIFFTComp_137000Ant3_out0_3dBupscaled.txt',Y_scaled,'delimiter','\t');
We don't have any thresholds for CFR IP as such as the Peak threshold can be configured based on the input RMS signal level.
However, we recommend -14dBFS mean/ average signal level is what we recommend as the BB input on the TX channel. Assuming 8dB is the PAR, -6dBFS will be the peak level and assuming a maximum of 6dB gain expansion from the DPD, the signal will be under 0dBFS.