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For the ADRV9029 , do the power pins VJSYN_1P0, VDES_1P0,VTT_DES and VSER_1P0 need power supply?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADRV9026 ADRV9029

Hi, ADI teams,

   I am so sorry to bother you, but now i really need your help.

   I got an EVAL-ADRV9026/ADRV9029 and now i am very confused about the power pins  VJSYN_1P0, VDES_1P0,VTT_DES and  VSER_1P0. My question is ,do these power pins need power supply?

    According the datasheet, it looks like these pins need power supply(1.0v).

 But according to the schamatics of  EVAL-ADRV9026/ADRV9029 and  ADP5056_PWR_BOARD and the eralier reply, these power pins(VJSYN_1P0, VDES_1P0,VTT_DES and  VSER_1P0) have no power supply.


Thanks a lot!

Thread Notes

  • I got an EVAL-ADRV9026/ADRV9029 and now i am very confused about the power pins  VJSYN_1P0, VDES_1P0,VTT_DES and  VSER_1P0. My question is ,do these power pins need power supply?

    You dont need to drive these supplies externally and through the Power board that gets attached to the EVB on SFMC connector should drive the supplies through the Pin, 1P0V_JESD