Thanks in ahead for your time!
I meet a question when reading UG1727(4 Transmitter/4 Receiver/2 Observation Receiver Input Use Case,Page 113;4 Transmitter/4 Receiver/4 Observation Receiver Input Use Case,Page 115).
1. I takes it that I need FPGA output three groups of control signals including ORX_CTRL_x,ORXx_TX_SEL,ORXx_TX_EN.But when I look up PIN discription in datasheet,I can only find PINs named ORX_CTRL_x in ADRV9025 and can't find PINs named ORXx_TX_SEL & ORXx_TX_EN.How can I give ADRV9025 these signals? Should I pick GPIOs by myself and determine them as ORXx_TX_SEL & ORXx_TX_EN?
2. In 4 Transmitter/4 Receiver/4 Observation Receiver Input Use Case,it seams that ORXx_TX_SEL,ORXx_TX_EN can keep a fixed level(here I assume that question 1 has been answered and I have already know how to control ORXx_TX_SEL,ORXx_TX_EN). Should I control them by GPIO signals and make FPGA output fixed 1/0? If not,can I just pull these GPIO up and down by Pull-up/down resistance? When I switch to RX Mode,will these ORx config for TX DPD affect the work of RX?
3. In 4 Transmitter/4 Receiver/4 Observation Receiver Input Use Case, I want to make ORX1 & ORX3 work at the same time,can I do so? and how if I can? ORX_CTRL_D does not mentioned,what should i do with ORX_CTRL_D?