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About CFR not working properly

1. Test environment: signal 5G NR, 100MHz bandwidth, TM3.1, center frequency 3.65001MHz, adrv9025 (4 channels (4RX, 4TX, 4ORX)), test mode downlink normally open mode (RX_OFF, TX_ON)

2. cfr program configuration execution steps

3. The waveform files are 100MHz, 30KHz, 4x, and 245.76MHz.

int16_t coeff_array[] ={-4,-5,-4,-1,2,3,-2,-16,-39,-69,-101,-125,-135,-123,-88,-35,27,83,121,131,113,74,27,-11,-27,-13,27,83,137,172,177,152,104,51,11,-2,18,64,121,168,191,180,139,83,30,1,4,40,95,150,184,185,152,96,38,-3,-12,15,68,126,168,179,153,100,38,-11,-29,-10,40,100,149,168,148,97,33,-22,-47,-34,13,75,129,154,140,91,25,-35,-66,-57,-13,51,109,139,129,82,14,-49,-84,-80,-37,28,89,124,117,71,3,-64,-103,-102,-60,6,71,109,105,60,-10,-79,-122,-123,-82,-14,54,95,93,49,-23,-95,-141,-144,-102,-33,38,82,82,37,-37,-111,-160,-164,-122,-50,23,69,70,25,-50,-128,-178,-183,-140,-67,9,58,60,13,-65,-145,-197,-202,-158,-81,-3,47,49,1,-79,-162,-216,-220,-174,-95,-14,38,40,-10,-94,-179,-234,-238,-190,-108,-23,30,31,-22,-108,-196,-253,-256,-205,-119,-32,22,22,-33,-123,-214,-271,-273,-219,-129,-39,16,14,-44,-138,-232,-290,-290,-232,-138,-45,11,7,-55,-154,-250,-308,-306,-244,-146,-50,6,0,-67,-169,-269,-327,-322,-255,-152,-53,3,-6,-78,-185,-287,-346,-337,-265,-158,-56,0,-12,-89,-201,-307,-364,-352,-275,-162,-57,-1,-17,-100,-218,-326,-383,-367,-283,-164,-56,-2,-22,-111,-235,-346,-402,-381,-291,-166,-55,-1,-27,-123,-253,-367,-422,-395,-297,-166,-52,0,-31,-135,-271,-389,-441,-408,-302,-164,-47,3,-35,-147,-290,-411,-461,-421,-307,-161,-41,6,-38,-159,-311,-434,-481,-434,-309,-156,-33,11,-42,-173,-332,-458,-502,-446,-311,-149,-23,17,-45,-186,-354,-483,-523,-457,-311,-140,-11,25,-47,-201,-378,-509,-544,-468,-309,-129,3,34,-49,-216,-403,-537,-567,-479,-306,-115,20,45,-51,-233,-430,-568,-590,-489,-300,-98,39,57,-53,-251,-460,-600,-615,-498,-293,-78,62,72,-55,-271,-493,-636,-642,-507,-282,-54,89,89,-56,-293,-530,-675,-670,-515,-268,-24,121,109,-58,-318,-571,-719,-701,-523,-250,11,159,134,-59,-346,-618,-769,-736,-530,-228,54,205,163,-60,-380,-674,-826,-776,-537,-199,107,260,198,-61,-419,-739,-895,-822,-542,-162,172,329,242,-61,-467,-820,-978,-877,-548,-114,256,417,298,-62,-528,-921,-1084,-946,-552,-50,367,532,371,-63,-608,-1055,-1223,-1036,-556,39,519,690,473,-63,-719,-1240,-1416,-1162,-560,169,741,922,623,-63,-884,-1520,-1710,-1354,-562,376,1095,1297,868,-64,-1160,-1994,-2215,-1688,-564,754,1755,2008,1343,-64,-1721,-2987,-3305,-2431,-566,1671,3422,3897,2676,-64,-3521,-6445,-7488,-5635,-566,7159,16171,24609,30602};

3. The CFR configuration parameters are as follows

#cfr config
















(1) On the basis of the above cfr configuration, read the cfr status values of TX1, TX2, TX3, and TX4 respectively.

(2) The CCDF spectrum on the channel TX1 signal analyzer shows that the spectrum of channels TX2, TX3, TX4 is similar to that of TX1

                               Amplified spectrum

                        Spectrum before power amplifier after Adrv9025 output

Question 1. The values of cfrEnginePeaksDetected and cfrEnginePeaksSkipped in the cfr status reading are the same. What causes these two values to be the same?
Question 2. Change the values of cfrPeakThreshold (0.37 to 0.7) and cfrHardClipperThreshold (0.4 to 0.71), or change the coeff_array[] array of adi_adrv9010_CfrCorrectionPulseWrite_v2, or change the parameters of cfrEngine1MaxNumOfPeaks, cfrEngine2MaxNumOfPeaks, cfrEngine3MaxNumOfPeaks, on the signal analyzer The CCDF spectrum shows that there is no change, it's all the same metrics as shown in the picture above, is this because the cfr is not working? Which of the above parameters is wrong? Or is there something wrong with the program?

3. The CFR configuration parameters are as follows, set the 4 enable to 0

(1) On the basis of the above cfr configuration, read the cfr status values of TX1, TX2, TX3, and TX4 respectively.

(2) The CCDF spectrum on the channel TX1 signal analyzer shows that the spectrum of channels TX2, TX3, TX4 is similar to that of TX1

               Amplified spectrum

Question 3.There is no difference in the value displayed by the CCDF indicator of the signal analyzer when the 4 enable are turned on or not. This phenomenon seems to be that the CFR does not work. Is there any step in the program that has not been executed, or is executed incorrectly?

  • Have you generated the CFR pulse as per your carrier configuration? It looks like the pulse could be wrong as the CFR is getting enabled and the peaks are also being detected. It could be due to incorrect CFR pulse being used.

  • We have produced pulse according to the signal (NR 100MHz@ 30KHz), but we do not know whether the production is correct, how to verify?

  • That's a strange phenomenon that if the CFR is getting disabled and the peaks are also being detected .what would lead to this result?

  • The carrier configuration must be defined the LO. Check the below link for more details.

     CFR Pulse Generation 

  • We have followed this link to generate the CFR pluse  factor before but it still has no effect

  • Except CFR pulse, are there other factors that can cause CFR not to work?

  • Could you share the CFR pulse waveform that I can figure out whether I got a wrong waveform. The waveform for test is LTE100M/30KHz/4x/245.76MHz.

  • Whats the centre frequency of the LO and the carrier? What is the offset of the carrier from the LO frequency?

  • the LO is 3650.01MHZ and the offset of the carrier from the LO frequency is 50M

  • Please check with the attached CFR pulse and let us know.

    -4 1
    -5 0
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    -1 -1
    2 3
    3 12
    -2 24
    -16 37
    -39 44
    -69 40
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    -135 -62
    -123 -115
    -88 -161
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    27 -192
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    121 -122
    131 -67
    113 -17
    74 12
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    -13 -105
    27 -139
    83 -147
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    51 59
    11 27
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    83 107
    30 86
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    95 -69
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    96 140
    38 129
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    100 163
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    -11 124
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    40 -23
    100 -21
    149 18
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    148 140
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    -22 152
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    -34 34
    13 -7
    75 -11
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    91 192
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    -35 173
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    -57 51
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    51 -5
    109 25
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    129 151
    82 201
    14 215
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    -80 64
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    28 -1
    89 26
    124 85
    117 154
    71 207
    3 225
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    -103 143
    -102 73
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    82 153
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    31 139
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    22 43
    22 135
    -33 210
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    -290 123
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