Hi All
I have ADRV9029/26 EVB depend on guide the power can be +_6dbm max how can i change the power output from TX port in 9026?Please
Best Regards
Hi All
I have ADRV9029/26 EVB depend on guide the power can be +_6dbm max how can i change the power output from TX port in 9026?Please
Best Regards
Hi Ramarao
Could help me for this issue ?Please
Since you are testing in TDD mode and in loop-back mode, the Rx is disabled whenever the TX is ON.
Can you check in FDD mode?
What is your TX to ORX mapping?
I tested in FDD mode.
RX1 to TX1(by using python code, you send to me before)
Best Regards
I think the profile you are testing could be link sharing in which case the JESD lanes are shared by Rx and ORX. As soon as the ORX is ON, the RX is off and since you are in loop-back mode, The waveform is disappering.
Can you test with Non-link sharing profile and FDD mode?
Okay I will try
Hi all
I tried to fallow the steps in link below:-
You can try to do a model sweep following the below link
for first time i obtained
I shutdown from GUI and I tried to generate new model but there is new massage start to come
any idea how can remove this message ?Please