Hi All
I have ADRV9029/26 EVB depend on guide the power can be +_6dbm max how can i change the power output from TX port in 9026?Please
Best Regards
Hi All
I have ADRV9029/26 EVB depend on guide the power can be +_6dbm max how can i change the power output from TX port in 9026?Please
Best Regards
The full scale output power of the TRX is as below:
You can use Tx. attenuation control to change the Tx power.
BTW,Where from are you referring to +/-6dBm?
Dear Ramarao
Many thanks for your answer, but max what i can obtained of board -10 dbm whem i used the waveform or 2 tones abd ATT =0 for TX1.
Best Regards
Hi Ramarao
when i send the signal direct from signal generator to PA
but when I send through ADRV I got
when i send the signal direct from signal generator to PA
You mean directly from the signal generator to the PA input, no ADRV involved? Which Test model is this?
but when I send through ADRV I got
Can you check at lower powers, may be about 3dB backoff and see if the spectrum is fine?
Are you measuring with the same test model as above?
I believe the input signal to Rx. input is within the dynamic range and not saturating the Rx path?
Try to provide RF input somewhere around -25dBm or so at the Rx. input.
before DPD
after DPD
any possibility to increase the correction to obtain -47 or-50 dbc
You may try to change "IF GAIN" from “LOW” to “medium”
Whats your DPD tracking calibration configuration? You can try optimising the parameters such as Regularization value, Peak search window size, change the DPD update mode (2 for GaN PA) etc. Also, you may do a model sweep to identify the best model for your PA
Hi Ramarao
I was going through ADRV9029 data sheet and have found following paragraph page(128):
"The DPD is optimized for power amplifiers with rms output powers in the 250 mW to 10 W range"
I need to used for two amplifiers in a balanced configuration for get 42dBm (ideally), it will be higher than 10w. will DPD be still working for this power level?
Yes, there is no such restriction on the output power level from the DPD perspective. DPD will work for your target output power.
many thanks
Hi Ramarao
1-DPD tracking calibration configuration? how many mode for calibration we have
2- how to set the "Regularization value"? Please
3- How to set the "Peak search window size"?
Best Regards
Hi aarontah
How to change IF GAIn to Low?Please
Best Regards
Regularization value, Peak search window size,
Hi aarontah
How to change IF GAIn to Low?Please
Best Regards
Regularization value, Peak search window size,