Hi All
I have ADRV9029/26 EVB depend on guide the power can be +_6dbm max how can i change the power output from TX port in 9026?Please
Best Regards
Hi All
I have ADRV9029/26 EVB depend on guide the power can be +_6dbm max how can i change the power output from TX port in 9026?Please
Best Regards
The full scale output power of the TRX is as below:
You can use Tx. attenuation control to change the Tx power.
BTW,Where from are you referring to +/-6dBm?
Dear Ramarao
Many thanks for your answer, but max what i can obtained of board -10 dbm whem i used the waveform or 2 tones abd ATT =0 for TX1.
Best Regards
The output level is as expected (CW is ~5dBm and assuming ~11dB PAR, you are observing ~ -6dBm Avg power)
This should be fine.
Could i get more power from the ADRV9029/26 EVB? Please
No, that is not possible
Okay Many thanks.
Could you direct me how can I run the DPD? Please
and which model I have to chose at begging.
The steps to enable DPD are explained in the document available in the link
You can try to do a model sweep following the below link
Before doing the model sweep, you may try to use an existing model file and check the DPD performance.
Which PA are you using?
Cree Transistor
this with DPD
Can you do a DPD model sweep, get an optimised one and test with the same?
Hi Ramarao
HI Ramarao
I hope you okay, I use WS1A3640.
I tried to use the DPD to obtain the best results.
Please any possibility to have 5G waveform to upload in ADRV9026/29 to check my DPD is it work or not.
Best Regards
Due to licensing restrictions, we won't be able to share any 5G waveforms. Thanks.
Due to licensing restrictions, we won't be able to share any 5G waveforms. Thanks.