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How to set up the ADRV9026 evaluation board for testing?

Hardware Kit

The ADRV9026 demonstration system kit contains:

  • The customer evaluation (CE) board in form of a daughter card with FMC connector
  • One (1) 12V wall connector power supply cable
  • Two micro SD cards are included, "TRX" -- for ADRV9026 evaluation boards and "HSX" -- for MxFETm evaluation boards.

The ADS9 demonstration system kit contains:

  • The ADS9 motherboard with FMC connector
  • One (1) 12V 15A power supply for powering the board


The hardware and software require the following:

  • The ADS9 demonstration system kit
  • The ADRV9026 demonstration system kit
  • The operating system on the controlling PC must be Windows 7 (x86 and x64) or Windows 10 (x86 and x64)
  • The PC must have a free Ethernet port with the following constraints:
    • If the Ethernet port is occupied by another LAN connection, a USB-to-Ethernet adapter can be used
    • The PC should be able to access over this dedicated Ethernet connection the following ports:
      • 22 - SSH protocol
      • 55556 - access to the evaluation software on the ADS9 platform
    • TES – software.
    • The user must have administrative privileges. To run software automatic updates, the PC should have access to the internet. If internet access is restricted, a manual software update can be performed.

Hardware Setup

ADS9 platform setup requires the following steps:

  • The SD card included with the evaluation kit should be placed in the J6 slot of the ADS9 (MicroZED) platform. The evaluation hardware setup is shown below.

To set up the evaluation board for testing, follow steps listed below:

  • Connect the ADRV9026 evaluation board and the ADS9 evaluation platform together as shown in Figure above. Use the HPC FMC connector (P1001/P2). Ensure the connectors are properly aligned.
  • Insert the  "TRX" named SD card for ADRV9026 evaluation boards that came with the evaluation kit into ADS9 microSD card slot (J6).
  • On the ADRV9026 evaluation card, provide a reference clock source (122.88 MHz is the default, or frequency match the setting selected on the AD9528 configuration tab), at a +7dBm power level to the J613 connector. (This signal drives the reference clock into the AD9528 clock generation chip on the board. The REFA/REFA_N pins of AD9528 generate the DEV_CLK for the device and REF_CLK for the FPGA on the ADS9 platform).
  • Connect a 12V, 15A power supply to the ADS9 evaluation platform at the P1 header.
  • Connect the ADS9 evaluation platform to the PC with an Ethernet cable (connect to P3). There is no driver installation required.
    • In the case when the Ethernet port is already occupied by another connection, use an USB-to-Ethernet adapter.
    • On an Ethernet connection dedicated to the ADS9 platform, the user must manually set the following:
      • IPv4 Address:
      • IPv4 Subnet Mask:

The user should make sure that ports listed below are not blocked by firewall software on their PC:

  • 22 - SSH protocol
  • 55556 - access to the evaluation software on ADS9 platform 

Note that the ADS9 IP address is set by default to

Hardware Operation

  1. Turn on the evaluation system by switching the ADS9 motherboard power switch (S4) to the ON position. If the hardware is connected correctly, the green LED (DS13) on the ADS9 motherboard should be ON.
  2. The ADS9 motherboard uses a Linux operating system. It takes approximately 3 MINUTES before the system is ready for operation and can accept commands from PC software. Boot status can be observed on ADS9 LED (D3, on the MicroZED daughtercard) – this LED illuminates RED for approximately 3 minutes after power on – when it goes off, this indicates that the board is booted properly. The correct sequence should follow the description below:
    1. When LED D3 transitions from RED to OFF, the system is ready for normal operation and awaits connection with the PC over Ethernet (which should be established using TES).
  3. The reference clock signal (122.88 MHz CW tone, +7dBm max) should be connected to J613 on the underside of the CE board.
  4. Before applying power to the CE board, the user should insure that each of the 4 Tx output ports (J501 – J504) are properly terminated.
  5. Once the ADS9 system has properly booted, LED DS801 on the EVB should be illuminated. At this point, power from the 12V wall adapter should be connected to the CE board. Once power is applied, DS802 should illuminate on the CE board.
  6. For transmitter testing, connect a spectrum analyzer to any Tx output on the EVB. Use a shielded RG‑58, 50Ω coaxial cable (1m or shorter) to connect the spectrum analyzer. All Tx paths should be terminated, either into spectrum analyzers or into 50Ω if unused.
  7. The CE board should be powered off before the motherboard by unplugging the wall adapter. Once power is removed from the CE board, the user should click on disconnect in the TES window and then press and hold SW1 on the ADS9 EVB (MicroZED daugher card) until LED D3 illuminates. Once LED D3 goes off it is safe to turn off the ADS9 power using switch S4.

Starting the Transceiver Evaluation Software

Users can start the customer software by clicking on Start -> All Programs -> Analog Devices -> ADRV9025 Transceiver Evaluation Software_x86_FULL -> ADRV9025 Transceiver

Evaluation Software  or by clicking on the desktop shortcut called ADRV9025 Transceiver Evaluation Software. Figure below shows the opening page of the TES after it is activated.

Demo Mode

 In the case when evaluation hardware is not connected, the user can still use the software in demo mode by following these steps:

  1. Click on Connect (top left corner).
  2. The software will move into demo mode in which a super-set of all transceiver family features will be displayed.

Normal Operation

When hardware is connected to a PC and the user wants to start using the complete evaluation system, TES will establish a connection with the ADS9 system via Ethernet after clicking the Connect option in the drop down menu. When proper connection is established, the user can click on the DaughterCard position in device tree on the left. After selecting DaughterCard, information about revisions of different setup blocks should appear in the main window.  The bottom part of that window shows the TCP IP Address set to and Port Number set to 55556. Contact the ADI Applications Engineering team if the ADRV9025 Evaluation System needs to operate over a remote connection and a different IP address for the ADS9 platform is desired. Figure below shows an example of correct connection between a PC and a ADS9 system with a daughter card connected to it.

  • Hello,

    I did same procedure. However, when everything powered up, I could not connect with using user interface in computer. It gives error as "The server is not responding or cannot be started. Please make sure the daughterboard is connected to motherboard and powered up".

    I have applied required reference clock. I just wanted to connect to evalboard, so I didn't apply any signal to RX inputs and didn't understand what you mean by 'terminate TX outputs properly'. I have turned on the motherboard an waited for boot time. After the D3 (red led on the fpga board) went off, the led on the CE board (LED DS801) didn't turn on (It should have turned on as you stated at step 5 of Hardware Operation). Then, I connected CE board to 12V and bot LEDs (LED DS801, LED DS802) turned on. Then, when I tried to connect I got the error stated above.

    Best Regards,

  • Hello,

    I did same procedure. However, when everything powered up, I could not connect with using user interface in computer. It gives error as "The server is not responding or cannot be started. Please make sure the daughterboard is connected to motherboard and powered up".

    I have applied required reference clock. I just wanted to connect to evalboard, so I didn't apply any signal to RX inputs and didn't understand what you mean by 'terminate TX outputs properly'. I have turned on the motherboard an waited for boot time. After the D3 (red led on the fpga board) went off, the led on the CE board (LED DS801) didn't turn on (It should have turned on as you stated at step 5 of Hardware Operation). Then, I connected CE board to 12V and bot LEDs (LED DS801, LED DS802) turned on. Then, when I tried to connect I got the error stated above.

    Best Regards,
