What does "observation receiver" means?.
I want to know the difference between "receiver" and "observation receiver"
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The ADRV9009 is a highly integrated, radio frequency (RF), agile transceiver offering dual transmitters and receivers, integrated synthesizers, and digital...
ADRV9009 on Analog.com
What does "observation receiver" means?.
I want to know the difference between "receiver" and "observation receiver"
Observation path by design is intended to be used for Digital pre-distortion (DPD) feedback (observation) path . Detailed specification of ORx path is available in datasheet.
Major difference compared to receive (Rx) are ,
In the ADRV909 data sheet (Rev A) the datapath filter look the same (page 98, figure 431 vs 432) for Rx and Ox. It shows a block for digital gain in both datapathes.
Is the limitation (your 1. - 5.) due to performance of ARM M3 CPU and ADC? In other words: is it possible to just use ORx in ADRV9008-2 to increase bandwidth compared to Rx in ADRV9008-1 and have less limitations, since CPU has enough time to just service ORx datapath?
about number 3:
is there any option to get 450MHz in both observation channels ( orx_1 and orx_2). or because the using of all 4 ADC's in stiching there is only 1 channel of 450 MHz?
All 4 ADC's are utilized for achieving 450 MHz. Hence only one Observation channel is possible.
Is it possible to multi chip synch. single ORX channels of multiple ADRV9009 devices in ADC stitching mode with 450 MHz bandwidth?
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