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ADRV9009 Anti-aliasing Filter not working

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADRV9009



I am working on custom board based on ADRV9009 and xczu9eg-ffvb1156-2 Xilinx FPGA. I am using no-os based setup.

I am using the profile generate by the TES software with Rx(both) 245.76 MHz, Tx(both) 245.76 MHz, and ORx(both) 245.76MHz.

It is mentioned in the ADRV9009 Datasheet that its has inherent antialiasing features.

Also in the ADRV9009 TES software, the following response is generated in the Rx Summary tab. This composite response shows that the harmonics will be attenuated by over120db. 

There are settings in the talise_config.c file for the adc filter (rxAdcProfile). I believe that they contain the setting for this above mentioned behaviour.


I see the following issue in the received Rx spectrum:

  1. The spectrum that I received, has 3rd and 5th harmonics that are 45db and 60db below the original signal peak. (but this should not be the case with the ADVR9009, as mentioned in the above diagrams).
  2. I have tried with different profiles but the harmonics are not being attenuated.
  3. I have also used the MATLAB wizard to configure the digital filter and then used the exported file in the TES to generate talise_config.c files but it still does not work. (Rx summary shows the worst response with this method. The composite response symmetric in this case).


  1. How can I configure the adrv9009 to filter out the harmonics? (Is there any other way or am I doing something wrong)?
  2. What is the role of rxAdcProfile in the adrv9009 configuration?
  3. Is there any way to change the rxAdcProfile values to achieve the desired response? How?



  • Can you please share the spectrum plot where you see the aliasing issue ? 

    Are you testing with a default profile Tx/Rx/ORx 245.76MHz as shown below   ?

    What is the role of rxAdcProfile in the adrv9009 configuration?

    This tunes the bandwidth of the passband and noise transfer functions of the ADC

    Is there any way to change the rxAdcProfile values to achieve the desired response? How?

    ADI recommends to use filter wizard to generate filter coefficients as it compensates FIR response for analog filter roll off to make pass band flat.

  • Thanks   for the response.

    I have tried multiple profiles. The one that you have mention, I have also tried this one but with both observation receivers. And even with all the profiles I am seeing the same response.

    Attached below are the responses that I have received. 

    Setup: ADRV LO 1 GHz, Input tone 1.010GHz (10 MHz tone)


    Observations: We can clearly see the original tone at 10 MHz (-42db) but also we can see 30 MHz (-85db) and 50 MHz (-90db). 

    Comments: It is clear that these are 3rd and 5th harmonics because when original tone is moved 1Mhz these other signal move 3MH and 5MHz respectively. 


    Now I have a bandpass filter that I can connect at the adrv9009 Rx input to show that these are actually harmonics. 

    Setup: ADRV LO 1 GHz, Input tone 1.010GHz (10 MHz tone). External filter: 1 GHz bandpass filter (500MHz - 1500MHz). 

    Observations: There is only one signal that is at 10MHz(-45db).

    Comments: This shows that there were actual harmonics that were affecting the baseband.


    I have also capture the signal to capture the harmonics only by setting the LO to the 3rd and 5th harmonics of the actual signal.

    Setup: LO 3 GHz, 1.010GHz (10 MHz tone). No external filter.

    Observations: There is a signal that is at 30MHz(-65db).

    Comments: This is the 3rd harmonic.


    I have also capture the signal to capture the harmonics only by setting the LO to the 3rd and 5th harmonics of the actual signal.

    Setup: LO 5 GHz, 1.010GHz (10 MHz tone). No external filter.

    Observations: There is a signal that is at 50MHz(-80db).

    Comments: This is the 5rd harmonic.


    Conclusion: All these observations show that there are harmonics (3rd and 5th) that are appearing in the baseband signal. This points to the situation that adrv9009 inherent antialiasing filtering mechanism is not working. (Either it is not being configured properly or may be something else that I don't know).


    Are you testing with a default profile Tx/Rx/ORx 245.76MHz as shown below   ?

    I have tried many profiles and I am still working on trying more profiles but I am getting the same response.

    About that:

    ADI recommends to use filter wizard to generate filter coefficients as it compensates FIR response for analog filter roll off to make pass band flat.

    Using the ADI filter wizard to generate the rxAdcProfile gives the worst response when visualized in the TES tool. You can try it for yourself. So I mostly generate the profiles that are already built in the TES tool. I believe that profiles that are built in the TES tools have been carefully crafted by ADI so that a user is not require to go with the ADI filter wizard for the first stage.

    But nonetheless, I have tried building profiles from ADI filter wizard tool and then used those profiles in the TES to generate the talise_config.c file. But still I am getting the same response. 

    Big Question:

    What is the way forward now?


  •   Can you please comment on it if possible?

  • The third order harmonics and its levels at 80-90dBC are expected as per datasheet specs. There is no way to reduce the levels further, you need to use external filters in order to completely eliminate them. 

    Test the harmonics at the below conditions with a reduced tone power level of -20dBm .

  • as per the image:

    The composite response shows that the output will be around suppressed by roughly 150dbm. I am assuming the response of this filer. Even when I am giving the input power of -20dBm, the 3rd harmonic peak is 40dbm below the original peak. But as per your argument:

    The third order harmonics and its levels at 80-90dBC are expected as per datasheet specs. There is no way to reduce the levels further, you need to use external filters in order to completely eliminate them. 

    the 3rd harmonic peak should be 80dbm below. So I am again back in the same boat, what should I must do to reduce the 3rd harmonic peak?


  • what is the level are you getting for the 3rd harmonic, you need to use external filtering to suppress them.

  • For the 3rd harmonic I am getting only 3-4 dB down. Yes external filter is the only way I could opt. But as per the diagram anti aliasing should work.