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Will adrv9009 adc overload?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: adrv9009

Hi,I am using the hdl 'master' branch . And i am using no-os master branch. And I am using the project design for  zc706 and EVAL-ADRV9008/9.

The signal power input to rx1 channel is -9 dBm to -4dBm.The agc index is around 0xfb ~0xe3.

I'm using agc peak mode. I found that sometimes the adc signal has error values while the agc changing.

How can I fix this? Thanks.

  • For so called "TDD mode" I just use adrv9009_tx1_enable to control the tx channel on and off,the switch time of adrv9009_tx1_enable is matching with the signal burst period. Is there any other period do I need to care ?

    Is there a TDD mode that I need to set the adrv9009 ?

  • As i have mentioned  we need to provide an RF input signal level that's within the dynamic range, the max. input level is -11dBm CW or -21dBm modulated signal with PAR of 10dB(As an example)

    The ADC errors that you are getting are observed when you are operating at -9dBm to -4dBm with modulated signal at which level ,the performance is not guaranteed.

    Do you see these ADC errors when you operate at low powers as well? If so, can you please share us your complete AGC configuration parameters?

  • Do you see these ADC errors when you operate at low powers as well?

    seems not.

    The ADC errors that you are getting are observed when you are operating at -9dBm to -4dBm with modulated signal at which level ,the performance is not guaranteed.

    when I operating under -11dBm the agc always at top index 255. Isn't this a problem ?how to fix it?

  • The full scale value of ADC is 7dBm and with input signal level of -11dBm at gain index of 255, the ADC sees 7dBm hence the gain index staying at 255 is fine as the ADC is not saturating.

    It looks like the AGC is not acting as you are seeing the ADC errors above -11dBm signal level. Can you change the APD high threshold to 38 and low threshold to 25 and check for the ADC errors?

  • The full scale value of ADC is 7dBm and with input signal level of -11dBm at gain index of 255, the ADC sees 7dBm hence the gain index staying at 255 is fine as the ADC is not saturating.

    Do you mean that the scale of ADC is -11dBm ~ 7dBm , so the gain 255 correspond to -11dBm and gain 195 correspond to 7dBm? I am confused. Because I think the peak power of input signal level is -11 dBm ,so the gain 195 should correspond to -11dBm.

    Can you change the APD high threshold to 38 and low threshold to 25 and check for the ADC errors?

    Will try.

  • Do you mean that the scale of ADC is -11dBm ~ 7dBm , so the gain 255 correspond to -11dBm and gain 195 correspond to 7dBm? I am confused. Because I think the peak power of input signal level is -11 dBm ,so the gain 195 should correspond to -11dBm.

    No, with an RF input signal level of -11dBm (at the RX port of the chip)  with gain index of 255, the  gain is 18dB which means the signal level at ADC input is 7dBm which is its full scale value. Please note that -11dBm is the max. input signal level. (Be it CW or the Peak signal level of a modulated signal)

  • Thanks for your reply. We use ad9361 before and ad9361 will saturate rather than  wrapping ,Can I ask why the adrv9009 can not saturate ?

  • We are working on this, will get back 

  • Is this something that no-os can handle?

  • I test the cw dds signal , while the adc value approximate 32768 the adc will get errors like below picture.

    A time domain signal like this indicates a saturation at the RX path. You can readback the RX dec power(API GetRxDecPower) and you will see a value of zero at the output.

    Since you are doing the tests in AGC mode, you should not see saturation at the output.

    When you vary the signal from -9dBm to -4dBm(the power range in which you are seeing the issue), can you readback the gain index using API GetRxGain? Also, share with us  the AGC settings and the threshold values that you are using.

    when I operating under -11dBm the agc always at top index 255. Isn't this a problem ?how to fix it?

    You need to change the thresholds for that. Are you operating in AGC peak mode or power mode? 

    If you want the AGC to work below -11dBm, try changing the low power thresholds(HB2 underange  threshold and APD low power threshold)