Is there an update planned for the ADRV9009 Transceiver Evaluation Software and the Arria10 SoC dev kit? So far the GUI only works with Zynq platforms.
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The ADRV9009 is a highly integrated, radio frequency (RF), agile transceiver offering dual transmitters and receivers, integrated synthesizers, and digital...
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Is there an update planned for the ADRV9009 Transceiver Evaluation Software and the Arria10 SoC dev kit? So far the GUI only works with Zynq platforms.
No, TES will only support ZYNQ3 and no other support is planned. However, Arria 10 support will be available for the Prototyping platform (IIO based) in release 2018_R2.
Hi Travis,
thanks for your answer. Will the Prototyping platform support stream file generation?
Hi Travis,
thanks for your answer. Will the Prototyping platform support stream file generation?
The driver will read the stream binary from the firmware interface. You can replace the file if you want and load profiles from the profile wizard.
Hi Travis,
I mean the Stream binary for the ARM embedded in the ADRV9009. I thought that the TES would generate a new binary stream for the ARM based on the current settings.
I've been playing with the profile wizard and I can generate profiles, but I I understood correctly, I should generate a new binary stream file for the ARM for each new configuration. Is that correct?
No, the profile wizard doesn't generate custom arm images for the part, and customers are not meant to do this. We don't provide source for it either and its not documented.
Hi Travis,
Thanks for pointing that out. Could you clarify what does the UG1295 refer to in page 95?
The device and the stream are flexible in configuration. In the same way that the initialization structures change with the profile, the stream processor image must change with the configuration. For example, the stream that enables Observation Receiver 1 is different if a 450 MHz or 200 MHz profile is chosen. For this reason, it is necessary to save a stream image for each configuration of the device. When the user saves configuration files (.c) using the GUI, a stream image is also saved automatically. Use this stream file when using the configuration files.
Thanks in advance.
From TES GUI you can generate stream file for your use case.
Load your custom profile in GUI
Configure and program your use case in GUI and program ADRV9009. Once generate init files, the same folder contains TaliseStream.bin file.
So, can I use this without connecting to the board? (Cause my dev environment is an Arria10 dev kit).
You can generate stream.bin file without connecting to board.
Upgrade to the latest version of the GUI for doing so.
Hi srimoyi,
I've downloaded the latest GUI ( as you suggested
I've tried to generate a stream.bin without connecting to the board (I don't have the Zynq board) and generating init files but the option is always grayed-out.
I also tried to generate initial values for the data structures, as mentioned at the GUI but, another thing I've noticed is that the JESD configuration doesn't show the right data rates (always shows 0 and a red warning).
Please follow the below procedure,
1. Open the GUI
2. Click Connect
3. Click OK, When this pop-up comes
4. Now try to generate init files, it will allow.
I've followed the steps...still remains grayed out (see image below)
This is the version I got...