Is the total gain i achieve with 9003 is 20dB?
What is the maximum analgo gain i can get from these gain components?
The ADRV9003 is a highly integrated RF transceiver that has a single-channel transmitter, dual-channel receivers, integrated synthesizers, and digital...
ADRV9003 on
Is the total gain i achieve with 9003 is 20dB?
What is the maximum analgo gain i can get from these gain components?
Dorant - Moved from RF and Microwave to Design Support ADRV9001 – ADRV9007. Post date updated from Monday, January 13, 2025 11:27 AM UTC to Monday, January 13, 2025 4:00 PM UTC to reflect the move.
Dorant - Moved from RF and Microwave to Design Support ADRV9001 – ADRV9007. Post date updated from Monday, January 13, 2025 4:00 PM UTC to Monday, January 13, 2025 4:00 PM UTC to reflect the move.
To be clear, the components you have highlighted are external components. ADRV9003 has the ability to control some external LNAs like this but are not part of the device. See the section on 'Gain Control with External Gain Control' in the ADRV9002 user guide for further details.
So, the IC itself provide 20dB of gain and max 34dB of attenuation before the mixer?
Yes, there is approximately 20dB gain on the Rx datapath. The internal attenuation is then 0<->34dB using a combination of analog and digital attenuation. Applying 0dB attenuation means there is still the initial 20dB of gain on the datapath.