There is a conflict between table 17 in the datasheet and table 120 in the reference manual about the B14, C14 termination. Which one we should follow for unused rx channels.
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There is a conflict between table 17 in the datasheet and table 120 in the reference manual about the B14, C14 termination. Which one we should follow for unused rx channels.
Hi Musozc,
It is advisable to use capacitor for connecting to VSSA but it will work without the capacitor as well.
Hi RahulMushini,
Thank you for reply, but we are using Tx1/Rx2 configuration in our custom design. Therefore, only tx1 and rx2 lines are connected to our FPGA. Does it cause such configuration any problem during the Tx1 calibration process because corresponding rx1 lines are connected to VSSA without capacitor. I'm asking this question so that we observe sometimes spur/harmonics when we power up the device.