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granularity/resolution needed for cal coeffs? - both thermal and LO tuning

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADRV9001

For a User looking to generate a LUT of calibration coefficients (in order to bypass self-cal procedure both at start-up and during normal operation), how much granularity is needed for the steps of temperature and LO tuning?  (i.e., how big of a LUT is recommended)

In this particular application - in case it narrows the question - the plan is to tune over only a ~150 MHz range somewhere in S-band.  Both at start-up and for fast-hopping, those cal coeffs will be relevant.  And we're looking to boot-up over pretty much the entire device temperature range.

I'm sure this could be an "it depends" kind of question - just looking for some guidance to get "in the ballpark" and test whether an initial granularity on those coefficient axes is adequate.

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  • Hi Brain,

    ADRV9002 in Frequency Hopping Mode: Calibration Considerations

    The ADRV9002 transceiver excels in frequency hopping (FH) applications, offering operation across a wide range of frequencies from 30 MHz to 6 GHz. To ensure optimal performance within this band, the device performs calibration over 42 discrete regions (refer to topic Frequency Hopping in user guide). This translates to a bandwidth of approximately 142 MHz between each calibration point.

    When considering FH mode and applications requiring a bandwidth of 150 MHz within the S band (2 GHz to 4 GHz), selecting a appropriate min and max frequencies according to the application. For example, a hopping range of 2100 MHz to 2250 MHz would leverage the calibration performed at the 1125 MHz center frequency, encompassing the desired 142 MHz bandwidth. Users have the flexibility to store these calibration files for future use.

    Beyond Initial Calibration: Tracking and Temperature

    The ADRV9002 incorporates a tracking calibration mechanism that continuously compensates for any potential drift after the initial calibration. This ensures consistent performance over time.

    The datasheet also specifies an operating temperature range of -40°C to 85°C for the ADRV9002. As mentioned in the datasheet the device is characterized over three different junction temperate i.e., -40,25 & 110 degree Celsius and the it shows a fairly stable response for additional details please refer to ADRV9002 datasheet. It's important to note that these coefficients should be updated when operating at different temperatures for optimal .

