According to the datasheet, the junction temperature of the ADRV9002 is +110 degrees. So, is it safe to operate above +85 degrees? Can we use internal temperature sensor as a reference?
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According to the datasheet, the junction temperature of the ADRV9002 is +110 degrees. So, is it safe to operate above +85 degrees? Can we use internal temperature sensor as a reference?
Hi inc,
It is safe to operate above +85 degrees as long as you remain below 110 degrees.
The internal temperature sensor is a very basic diode based sensor and is only intended for approximate readings, so I'd recommend that you find a more accurate method if you're operating near 110 degrees.
Kind Regards,
Hi Michal,
Thanks for your reply. Does operating near +110 degrees can effect the functionality and life of the chip?
Hi inc,
It should not - the chip is designed to operate in this range.
Kind regards,