Issue1:I want to redifine my baseband signal for my frequency hopping project.I add the config Frequencyhopping in DMA_EXAMPLE.And I use a fuction control the gpio.GPIO control is working,but I found my oscilloscope has no waveform.In my opinion,I want to modify the dma data.but now It doesn't seem to produce a waveform. . I'm not good at changing code so I used Noos DMA_EXAMPLE.I don't know how to properly boot my baseband to frequencyhopping .Have some Frequnecyhopping code to refer to?
issue2:when I genarate profile with TES, it's json format.But the code need string like Navassa_CMOS_profile.h.When I use it ,I need modify Navassa_CMOS_profile.h against .json file.Is there an easier way?
Issue3:When I used latest master,I noticed HDL-master named hdl-main,and I use hdl main and no-os master. When I add xsa into no-os project . and make ,CMD print “The specified path cannot be found”.