This is regarding support in bringing up the ADRV9002 driver in the petalinux for the following board.
we are facing two issues in
1 : First issue during the profile upload
2 : Second one regarding the Frequency hopping enabled error .
The brief of the both points are below and also attaching the log with this query .
1 : I was trying to upload the configuration profile file (.json) using the cat "file_name.json > profile_config" command.but after hitting the enter i got the
error "Error message ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board." we also have checked the power and clock.
power is okay and clock checked on the DSO that is generating.i am attaching the point 1 logs below :-
xilinx-uetc:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1# cat /tmp/test1.bin > stream_config
xilinx-uetc:/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1# cat /tmp/test1.json > profile_config
[ 3698.162265] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 1 (0x00000001), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_powermanagement.c, in function adi_adrv9001_powermanagement_Configure_Validate, in line 39, variable name readPattern.Error message ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board.
[ 3698.197278] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 1 (0x00000001), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_powermanagement.c, in function adi_adrv9001_powermanagement_Configure, in line 70, variable name NULL.Error message ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board.
[ 3698.230896] adrv9002 spi1.0: adrv9002_power_mgmt_config, 2597: failed with "ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board" (1)
[ 3699.598724] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 1 (0x00000001), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_powermanagement.c, in function adi_adrv9001_powermanagement_Configure_Validate, in line 39, variable name readPattern.Error message ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board.
[ 3699.633727] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 1 (0x00000001), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_powermanagement.c, in function adi_adrv9001_powermanagement_Configure, in line 70, variable name NULL.Error message ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board.
[ 3699.667339] adrv9002 spi1.0: adrv9002_power_mgmt_config, 2597: failed with "ARM memory is not accessible. Check whether device clock and/or power is connected to the ADRV9001 board" (1)
2 : Second point regarding the frequency hopping error . I gave the iio_info | grep iio:device command to check the status , i got the variable name devStateInfo->frequencyHoppingEnabled.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.After reading the source code we found that we can enable frequency hopping only from the profile configuration file .which we are not able to upload mentioned in point 1. We are not able to understand how to resolve both issues . Please give us the support to resolve these issues .
2nd log below :
root@xilinx-uetc:~# iio_info | grep iio:device
iio:device0: ams
iio:device1: adrv9002-phy
[ 92.079575] adrv9002 spi1.0: Frequency hopping not enabled
[ 92.085189] adrv9002 spi1.0: Frequency hopping not enabled
9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect_Validate, in line 413, variable name devStateInfo->frequencyHoppingEnabled.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.135566] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect, in line 863, variable name NULL.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.162670] adrv9002 spi1.0: adrv9002_hop_table_dump_show, 993: failed with "Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile" (3)
[ 92.174397] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect_Validate, in line 413, variable name devStateInfo->frequencyHoppingEnabled.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.205153] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect, in line 863, variable name NULL.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.232255] adrv9002 spi1.0: adrv9002_hop_table_dump_show, 993: failed with "Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile" (3)
[ 92.244006] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect_Validate, in line 413, variable name devStateInfo->frequencyHoppingEnabled.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.274757] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect, in line 863, variable name NULL.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.301855] adrv9002 spi1.0: adrv9002_hop_table_dump_show, 993: failed with "Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile" (3)
[ 92.313542] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect_Validate, in line 413, variable name devStateInfo->frequencyHoppingEnabled.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.344287] adrv9002 spi1.0: [ERROR]: Error number 3 (0x00000003), Recovery action -2.In file drivers/iio/adc/navassa/devices/adrv9001/public/src/adi_adrv9001_fh.c, in function adi_adrv9001_fh_HopTable_Inspect, in line 863, variable name NULL.Error message Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile.
[ 92.371392] adrv9002 spi1.0: adrv9002_hop_table_dump_show, 993: failed with "Frequency hopping not enabled in device profile" (3)
iio:device2: axi-adrv9002-rx-lpc (buffer capable)
iio:device3: axi-adrv9002-rx2-lpc (buffer capable)
iio:device4: axi-core-tdd (label: axi-core-tdd-1)
iio:device5: axi-core-tdd (label: axi-core-tdd-2)
iio:device6: axi-adrv9002-tx-lpc (buffer capable)
iio:device7: axi-adrv9002-tx2-lpc (buffer capable)