I have custom hardware. It is mostly an exact copy of the ADRV9375 evaluation board except that it has custom RX and TX signal conditioning / filtering.
I am testing my custom hardware on the ZCU102. It is functionally working.
However, I have discovered an issue where I am seeing mixing between the AD9375 TX LO and RX LO.
For example, if I set the TX LO to 4.8GHz and the RX LO to 4.8001 GHz (100kHz offset), I see my RX input signal is modulated by the 100kHz offset between the TX and RX LO and I see a large number of sideband spurs.
If I separate the TX LO from the RX LO by a large amount (10MHz), then I no longer see this problem.
If I set both the TX LO and RX LO to the exact same frequency (4.8GHz), I can see that the LOs sometimes 'beat' with each other. The result is that my RX input signal has very bad phase noise.
My end application is a TDD application where the TX and RX LO frequency will be required to be the same and both will need to run continuously.
I have two questions about this:
1) Is it possible for the TX and RX LO to share a single LO? In this case I only configure one LO and set both the TX and RX signal chains to use the single LO.
2) I think the mixing may be happening through power supply coupling. I used the exact same power supply filter configuration (ferrite and decoupling caps) as the evaluation board. If I am seeing mixing between the LOs because of power supply coupling, which of the following power supplies are the most likely culprits:
Based on this I can focus on ensuring good isolation on the most likely culprit power supply.
3) DO you have any other advice to reduce the mixing between the AD9375 TX LO and RX LO?