during CLGC configuration I found the following values:
adi,clgc-tx1-desired-gain -2000 (value = 100 * dB (valid range -32768 to 32767) - total gain and attenuation from Mykonos Tx1 output to ORx1 input in (dB * 100)
adi,clgc-tx2-desired-gain -2000 (value = 100 * dB (valid range -32768 to 32767) - total gain and attenuation from Mykonos Tx2 output to ORx2 input in (dB * 100)
described here: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/linux-drivers/iio-transceiver/ad9371-customization
The default value I can read at system startup before configuration is the following: -200
My questions are:
1) The dB value I calculate from -200 is 2 dB, is it correct even if the default value is supposed to be -20 dB?
2) How should I change this value? I have a variable attenuator between TX1 Output and ORX1 input, setted at 20 dB. Should I use -2000 (-20 dB) ?
3) If I understand correctly, by configuring this, I am comunicating to the clgc actuator my attenuation/gain between the tx1 output and orx1 input. I am not setting any extra gain/attenuation. Right?
Thank you,