I'm using the ADL5521 S-Parameter files in Eagleware (Genesys) simulation software and S21 and S12 seem to be reversed. What is wrong?
The Genesys format has switched positions (with respect to a standard s-parameter file) for S12 and S21 as well as for S13 and S31.
The procedure for fixing this is as follows
- Delete “ADL5521_de_embeded….s3p” Dataset file at Workspace Tree by right click.
- Open “SP1” properties on Sch1.
- Push “Advanced options...” and select “Use parameters and Model as Entered”. Do not select “Use Datafile” here.
- Put the cursor on “FILENAME”, and select “ADL5521...s3p” file from Browse button.
- Confirm “SdataFormat” parameter is Touchstone.
- Calculate.