Question: What does the overdrive response of AD8361 look like? If I apply an RF burst which exceeds the linear input range of the device (approx +9 dBm on a 5V supply) but which is still less that the Absolute Maximum Rating (+13 dBm), will the device have an overdrive recovery time where it will stick high?
Attached are four plots which demonstrate that the overdrive recovery of the AD8361 RMS detector does not show any anomalous behavior. The four plots show the output response when the device is driven by the following four signals. When the AD8361 is overdriven, the device behaves normally and does not stick high.
1. 0 dBm 900 MHz RF burst with CFLTR set to 1nF
2. +13 dBm 900 MHz RF burst with CFTLR set to 1 nF
3. 0 dBm 900 MHz RF burst with CFTLTR left open
4. +13 dBm 900 MHz RF burst with CFLTR left open