Q. What is the threshold voltage to disable to the ADL5801/2 mixer?
A. The ENBL pin on the device offers the option to enable and disable the device. Pulling the pin high will disable the device. The threshold voltage to disable the device is 2.3V. The absolute max rating on this pin is 5.5V, although it is recommended that the voltage on this pin be limited to 5V or less.
The Enable/Disable function shuts off the internal bias generator. If the VSET pin is left unconnected, connected to the detector or connected to ground through a resistor, the ENBL pin will disable the RF path. The LO path is not affected by the pin functionality. If there is a resistor to the positive supply on the VSET pin then the current will be supplied by the resistor even though the internal bias is off and the RF path will continue to function on the current supplied by this pin.