Question description:
According to the MAX7033 datasheet, in pin description, MAX7033 IFIN1 should bypass to AGND with 1500pF, IFIN2 connect to Connect to the output of a 10.7MHz bandpass filter. However, in the EVKIT design, IFIN1 connect to 10.7MHz filteroutput and IFIN2 connect to AGND via 1500pF. Please confirm which connection is correct.
As indicated in the Functional Diagram on page 9 of the data sheet, the IFIN1 and IFIN2 pins are differential inputs to the Limiting Amplifier chain used to demodulate the ASK signal:
Since these are two differential input pins being fed by a single-ended output from the Intermediate Frequency (IF) filter, either pin can be used as the input. The ‘other’ pin should be tied to ground with a 1500pF capacitor. Thus both the pin description and the Typical Application Circuit are correct—albeit confusing.